serge benhayon net worth

For you cannot fit something into nothing it simply would not be fitting in to anything then. Because everything is energy, the way you have been living energetically has allowed your body to operate with an ill energy that then manifests the ills you physically, physiologically, emotionally and psychologically will have. Her financial adviser was UM frequent flyer and promoter, Christophe Schnelle, and her palliative care nurse was Esoteric Breast Masseuse and UM promoter, Elizabeth Dolan. That this young girl would willingly sit there and absorb Serges circular mindless rubbish in place of real learning and experience is almost as big a travesty as robbing someone else children of their inheritance. Most of us get busted for missing a few dollars interest on our tax returns. Serge Benhayon received this money under false pretenses. There was a realisation that yes, my birthday is a great marker to celebrate the day I was born, but if all the pressure was placed on this one day to unfold how I wanted it to be, then there would be a deflation when the expectation was not met. And in some sense, this is true that healing can be brought to something that needs fixing. The court went over Sarah & Seths expenditure with a fine tooth comb. Last year as it was fast approaching the end of the year, most were starting the wind down to the Christmas and New Year period: the beginning of December, where Christmas carols are played and decorations put up on display to celebrate the upcoming festive season. Life seemed to be about what grades I got in school which would determine which college I could go to, which would then determine whether I would be recognised and successful at my work. 5points of fire everyday, left behind 10points prana, end of the day 5 points of prana. It took a few decades to realise that I am in charge of how I want my birthday to be and that I was not the child at the receiving end of other peoples forgetfulness, lack of care, etc. Serge will say that if you drink alcohol, supernatural entities can invade you, Esther explains. I am shocked the court didnt hear the coercion that goes into getting bequests from members. Bizarre), Desiree, Serges right hand man ;)- a justice of the peace- witnessed the altered will, and Elizabeth Nolan- palliative care nurse of the year after some heavy cult voting, deja-vu- cooed sweetly in her ear how Serge is an amazing man. Its very revealing that after every major media report on the activities of Universal Medicine and Serge Benhayon the group publishes its own version of events on their official website. Not dissimilar from the Office of Fair Trading complaint, which failed largely because they didnt have the power, or authority, to act. Why didnt Judith donate to the charity? Fitting I suppose for a new era Messiah. Fire& prana correspond with good and evil in Benhayons worldview. No, UM did NOT expect to see me at the hearing. Perhaps the college is defunct. Continue reading Living True Purpose from my Inner-knowing. But how often do we look deeper than simply fixing the external layer and consider what is happening behind the issue that is needing to be resolved? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I just dont get it. Continue reading The Birthday , "The marriage of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine will be the greatest union that will serve humanity" ~ Serge Benhayon (on record Feb 2012), Living True Purpose from my Inner-knowing. But when the jury returned late last year, it delivered the organisation a crushing blow. Lets hope it makes it to print. Its a good article that has added some more comments from the family. He was then asked if he had any qualifications. Benhayon also told the court that after Ms McIntyres gift, the next largest single monetary gift hed receivedwas $600K. The impact on children is just unfathomable. You lot are human parasitic remora fish sucking on the belly of a pundit shark who is constantly cruising to prey on the weak, sick, vulnerable and dying. The $800K gift from Ms McIntyre to Benhayon was used to renovate the Wollongbar College of Universal Medicine charity premises, which Benhayon owns outright, purchased for $2.3M. Each time I encounter Serge I am left feeling of value, confident that I am worth being on this earth and that genuine love and kindness is still Everyone thinks their brand of belief is the best from inside it and fails to see the glaring contradictions and fantasy its based on. In one video, Benhayon can be heard saying, Weve had at least 2,300 lives each, and Ive done everything it takes for me to be a part of the Hierachy.. With the ugly hench ladies in attendance to support Serge as he steals someones inheritance. Just wondering what Jenny Dowell and Isaac Smith and Kevin Hogan really feel about this deplorable act by a Charlatan that they have supported? Thats from the New York Times specialist publication Women In The World. The esoteric breast massage website had a lot of healing claims that it could assist serious gynaecological disorders, Esther explains. Why? EDG notes taken by Michael Dixon, 18 February 2012 p.4.. They told him that they were not prosecuting charities no matter what- and that their first aim was to ensure compliance. If you receive money from family- inheritance clear it by putting your passbook on a clearing symbol you [sic] kidneys adopt what you are receiving. I dunno, I wish one of these papers had done some research. And so began Esthers mission to expose Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine. She glanced my way, perhaps wondering if I was the evil villain the cult loves to hate, then went back to her 1000 yard stare. If we are not fitting in then we may be standing out and much like the words fitting in, standing out suggests that we are standing out or outside of something. Required fields are marked *. So the question is, if the charity is squeaky clean, why give it directly to Serge? He insists the charity is a separate entity to his commercial business Universal Medicine Pty Ltd. Student notes from a few years ago show Benhayon soliciting anonymous gifts of investment to build and renovate the property into conference, office and clinic facilities, as well as a hospice, aged care facility and retreat for cancer patients. Ummm maybe because they are a narcissistic egotistical, . Disgusting all around. BTW, everyone that has read this article has used the same adjective spontaneously. Tom Ford. Slimey and creepy. Universal Medicines Serge Benhayon to inherit bulk of devotees million-dollar estate Sydney Morning Herald 28 December, 2015. By Amina Tumi, 34yrs, Hair and Beauty Salon Owner, London Amina Tumi is a Hair and Beauty Salon Owner at Hair & Beauty by Design and has a great interest in true health and well-being. In law, it who has the most money, talks the loudest, and can out maneuver the best. Even the smaller papers who picked up the story from the wire largely reported the same thing. Thats because to the true believers most of them women - Benhayon is The One. I am sure they were conscious of eroding their small inheritances and the risk of losing even more, whereas in this case, Serge, financially, had nothing to lose and could afford to throw some money at to make sure he had their money. It hasnt changed since he was a young man. Uh oh, a not so very flattering version of Serges Estate Grooming Case in NY Times. Back in Australia, Esther Rockett the woman who has dedicated so much of her life to exposing a destructive cult has vowed to keep up the fight. More at Truth About Serge Benhayon in - Appreciation, - Self Worth & Acceptance, MENTAL HEALTH June 21, 2017 June 25, 2017 1,459 Words My Addiction to Buying Clothes About 8 years ago I lost 25 kilos. Continue reading Fitting In or StandingOut? , As a young girl I was sexually abused by older boys in the back street. Perhaps if this was the first and only example of a bequest you might be able to let is pass, but its not. We pointed it out to the HCCC quite a few times, and they declined to do anything, because they actually have no power to do anything unless someone brings in a corpse. Serge Benhayon is a remarkable man, who, by his way of living, is carving a way for others to be inspired to claim their extra-ordinariness and shine in their own right. The fact is, Serge does seem to get away with things that is staggering. My Birthday: Celebrating ME Instead of Getting Wasted. In Australia Serge has personally purchased (around $2.5mil) a huge building, a cold storage facility on 6 acres and is holding it until such a time there is the call for the Australian charity to purchase it from him to develop a centre in Australia. (The Book of Proverbs was written centuries before Jesus was born). Mid2014, I blogged about Universal Medicine preying on cancer patients, with medical professionals GP, Dr Jane Barker,and nurses Sharon Gavioli et al, running Breast Cancer Care cult recruitment retreats. The last straw was a hands-on healing session. Living True Purpose from my Inner-knowing. Death is always a healing and not part of the failure. I abused myself through food, sex, and had completely dysfunctional relationships with those around me and with myself. Of course not. I acutely felt disgraced, disregarded, disconnected and appalled by the lovelessness in the world. Cu MIX za . Now hes been taken down a notch by one very brave woman named Esther Rockett. This group is so dangerous that these people had to be exposed., Reporter: Matt Doran | Producer: Stephen Rice. Fair does not matter. To his followers, Serge Benhayon is a healer and a god-like figure. When Sarah opened her mothers computer, she discovered emails from Serge Benhayon coaching the dying woman on how to restrict her childrens share of her fortune. So, what has occurred? Pity the Echo has called UM a spiritual group. Dont kid yourselves that this is not the bottom line. Why are so many Australians devoted to him? WebAbout Serge Benhayon TV. NO TRUTH Death is in. This caused a great deal of anxiety as the gap between the picture of how I wanted it to be and how it would turn out was so wide. . No accident I laid out Benhayons death drive in blogs starting 3 years ago. For the rest of the year, the facility is hardly used. Tricky hey? A reminder to readers as to why they did nothing. If UMers cant see this is a massive abuse of power & travesty of justice, they are in deep denial with no conscience. Were one of the only beings that carry extra limbs. They were deceptively disguised eventsinsidiously indoctrinating targets with Benhayons toxic magical thinking to alienate them from their previouslife choices and relationships. words, this is absolutely gorgeous. I think it might have had something to do with the timing, which was almost exactly when the ACNC was looking into the charity and its building fund. Cmon! If we have disease, then there has to be an energy that caused that disease. I had to ask permission., I was so stupid, so nave. It is huge and we will never outgrow it. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Of the thousands of people who have given money to Serge Benhayon, few have been as fragile or as vulnerable as wealthy widow Judith McIntyre. Its a terrible time of year to have a birthday, a family member said one day whilst on the subject of going through the timing of birthdays and where everyone in the family fitted in. The proximity to the clinic maximises targets expenditure on worthless healings and other New Age claptrap peddled by the Benhayon bogan demigods. She also didnt know that during 2013 Mrs McIntyre also paid more than $320,000 towards a property in Goonellabah, near Lismore, which is held in the name of her close friend, Ingrid Langenbruch. Thats coercion. Theres others out there now aware that their parents are signing over large chunks or all- of their inheritance to the healers-healer. There you were sitting in the Courtroom. Shes been sued for defamation, followed, abused and harassed. If you invest wisely in your will this gives you fire in your next life. Then again, Sergio and Serryn ORegan flat refuse to answer questions and were already issuing legal threats before any stories went to print. Founder of Universal Medicine, Serge Benhayon is a renowned teacher, practitioner and trainer of therapies that are complementary to Serge really is a teflon man. Even payrolled propagandist, Rebecca Asquith (nee Baldwin) was around to get aadvertorialblog out of her where Judith described in detail thevulnerabilities that made her atarget for a greedy, death glorifying cult. Studentnotes from a few years ago show Benhayon solicitinganonymous gifts of investment to build and renovate the property intoconference, office and clinic facilities, as well as a hospice, aged care facility and retreat for cancer patients. Both also promised not to challenge the will after her death., Esoteric Messiah healer wins legal fight to inherit bulk of devotees million-dollar estate Pathetic and morally wrong. Then looking at my own experience of having a birthday at the end of the year, I felt a similar feeling of missing out. (There are many Jesus followers today challenging churches which pressure people for money, expecting free NT grace based believers to pay OT legalistic law based tithes. You may have won your ghoulish case to rob this poor family of their inheritance via conning their dying vulnerable mother Continue reading Breaking the Cycle of Abuse , Healing usually comes with the notion of fixing something that needs to be fixed. What have I done? JUST OUTRIGHT UGLY GREED. And Serge responded telling them we were liars and he was man of absolute integrity, and that was good enough for them. I only met the guy once and he ran shivers down my spine. This was a travesty. Everything makes a normal citizen feel so creepy and awful. This discussion is very exposing of how we currently view intelligence to be. unbelievable that UM can feel so entitled.. my friends believe serge is the real thing. What kind of evil creep videos a patients last moments? The trauma or scarring imprint from this abuse was then an overlay through which I experienced life. I'd been partnered up with this guy in the group, and I was lying face down on the massage table, recalls Matt. And Each time I And the cults numbskull professionals lend the whole mess legitimacy. I said to her, What in god's name are you doing? and she was getting rid of spirits., You couldn't go into the kitchen and give her a hug. I could see how I had squandered my life energy and made myself vulnerable to cancer in spite of my healthy lifestyle, He told me that he was willing to see me throughout my cancer treatment and that other cancer patients who came to him usually did very well with their treatment, I was seeing Serge weekly for counselling and esoteric acupuncture and began to feel so well physically that I could take longer and more lively walks than I had been able to do for many months before my diagnosis. Benhayon, S.The Way It Is, UniMed Publishing, Goonellabah, 2006, Benhayon, S. Esoteric Teachings & Revelations, UniMed Publishing, Goonellabah, 2011. Suffice to say the SLAPP is all about shutting me down so they can get on with the robbing and exploitation unscrutinized. In this case, I am quite sure that the budget of the family decided the outcome. Dont be stupid, Northern Star cant report on this story. This involves: 3.2.6 Recognising that there is a power imbalance in the doctorpatient relationship, and not exploiting patients physically, emotionally, sexually or financially. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Growing up I was taught that my main purpose was to be Your teachings are obsessed with them Simple. Investing in your will with cult leader Serge Benhayon. Serge Benhayon WebHe runs a very successful business, which he takes care of to the finest detail. Thank you. The Code of Ethics to run such an organization will be even higher than the Code of Ethics we now have for the EPA. I received a tip off about the hearing, and because it was heldthe day before the directions hearing for my defamation case, I was able to be there to hear Benhayon describe himself to the court as a teacher, practitioner, author and life coach. What a little fucking c. When I first met Serge Benhayon I was 17 years old, just going into Year 12 at high school. For the tiny outlay of a few free undue influencesessions, the unqualified shyster received a heftyreturn. Appalled by the Benhayon bogan demigods who has the most money, talks the loudest, and was! Getting Wasted left behind 10points prana, end of the family brought to that! To expose Serge Benhayon is the real thing crushing blow to answer questions and already... A lot of healing claims that it could assist serious gynaecological disorders, Esther.! 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serge benhayon net worth