north node in taurus 2022

Therefore, its important to chill before lashing out. Scorpio does sense what is hidden and trusts more what cant be seen. by Ryan Hart | Updated on March 2, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. This Lunar Nodes ingress will ask us to find what truly matters to us and as always with the Nodes, we have two ways to approach the how to: take the safe route. "The best things in life are free. The North Node is what we need to embrace and learn how to master. Omg I already had 2 miscarriages with these transits! With a North Node Scorpio in the 8th house, you are moving out of a place of self-concern with material comfort and financial security. The North Node in Taurus is a fixed and very stubborn position. Now would be a good time to protect your home if you live in an area susceptible to earthquakes! They may never forget a wrong that was done to them, but slowly they'll realize the best revenge is to lead a happy, productive life, and they'll refuse to let grievances hold them back from experiencing the best life has to offer. If you want to keep up with the future transits, North Node In Taurus 2022-2023 How It Will Influence You, North Node was in the Gemini and the South Node was in Sagittarius, Astrology Of January 2022 North Node In Taurus, Astrology Of February 2022 Venus Conjunct Mars In Capricorn, Astrology Of January 2022 - North Node In Taurus -, The Astrology Of 2022 - There Is Magic Everywhere -. The South Node is the familiar comfort zone, what we instinctively know from previous lifetimes (or through genetic memory), what feels safe and natural our comfort zone. The nodes stretch you to grow in new ways in your career and how you express your talents in the world. Taurus loves to smell, to taste, to see and hold with their hands. The North Node in Taurus requires patience, commitment, step-by-step progress and a refusal to look back in regret. The north node of destiny will be in Taurus from January 18, 2022 to July 12th, 2023 (making the south node in Scorpio during this time, as they both run in polarities). Let it be a sanctuary where you go to recharge. The following periods of time during the north node's journey through Taurus are of particular note: 1 st April to 18 th June 2022. This North Node in Taurus is about the things that bring us pleasure. Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign: Astrologys Big Three, Thanks to the explosion of astrology online and in social media, many people are taking a deeper dive into their personal astrology. The North Node represents the culmination of personality traits, the pinnacle. Like the bull, which sees red when it becomes irked, our emotions can go from 0 to 100 mph in a matter of seconds. Taurus North Node people are often cautious about taking chances or putting themselves out too far into the world. If youve been living in a well-constructed illusion, or just live a life other people or society has crafted for you, then the awakening can be quite shocking something like Neo in the Matrix. Does your North Node placement accurately describe your purpose in life? In certain birth chart readings, the north node is often characterized with obstacles and limitations which must be overcome to achieve results. Dont let impostor syndrome psych you out of your dream job. As they begin to share their emotions, however, they will slowly but surely dissipate these fears and channel their energy into more constructive purposes. I think this site and the people who run it are awesome. Mercury is now less chatty than your usual Mercury in Aquarius, asking us to become more reflective and more intentional about our communication. Maybe we settled for less, or abandoned the search too early. Astrological Notes for Tuesday, January 3rd, 2022 for All Signs Date: Today is January 3rd, 2023. On January 18th, 2022 we have one of the most important events of the year. If you're curious and want more details related to your birth chart, schedule an appointment with an Evolutionary astrologer. Without a doubt, the Lunar Nodes shift into fixed signs of Taurus and Scorpio is one of the most prominent astrological events of 2022. The 4 Zodiac Signs Get Major Upgrades To Their Lives During The Big 15-Year Uranus North Node . Your mind is hungry to learn new things or express yourself in a different way. The aspect is in orb from May until September, and it becomes exact on July 26th, 2022 at 18 Taurus. It will be in this sign until July 2023. Eros directs our self-sustaining activities like breathing, eating and reproduction. Accessing the South Node in Scorpio will give us the chance to use our intuition to guide us in how we proceed. If death was stronger than life, we would never survive. The North Node in Taurus tests the edge of your comfort zone and asks you to explore what you value and where you can best use your time and money to support your goals. This internal tug of war will teach them that when life gives them lemons, it's best to make lemonade instead of throwing the lemons back at life. The sign that they are in changes as the year progresses; during 2022 our north node is in Taurus, and our south node is in Scorpio. This can be an excellent position for any kind of physical activity sports, athletics, dance, martial arts, and so on. It brings delusion, claiming fantasy to be fact, unrealized claims, and hypocrisy. The North and South Nodes are always 180 apart - theyre in opposite signs. It's best to acknowledge whatever happened, forgive, and make peace with it. The North Node represents what we are facing collectively, while the South Node represents what we are releasing or revisiting from the past. The most important astrological event of the month is Lunar Nodes switching signs: the North Node moves into Taurus, and the South Node moves into Scorpio. Lisas third book is due out this summer. Design, art, and beauty will be popular. Instead of being jealous of those who are more fortunate than us, we will learn to harness our own wealth potential using our desire and tenacity. North Node In Taurus (South Node In Scorpio) 2022 Predictions: Not only do the North/South Nodes indicate personal growth through transits, but they can also show you how the world will grow and change on a collective level. This is when the North Node was in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio: If youre at least 18 years old, you have experienced this transit at least once. Worrying about failing will hinder you from trying your best. horoscopes, horoscopes 2022, february horoscope, february, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius, pisces, astrology of 2022, horoscope, horoscopes, horoscopes 2022, 2022, aries, libra, taurus, scorpio, gemini, sagittarius, cancer, capricorn, leo, aquarius, virgo, pisces, mars retrograde, saturn square uranus, saturn, Pluto return, Us pluto return, pluto, jupiter, north node, taurus north node, north node in taurus, south node in scorpio, jupiter in pisces, Mars in gemini. At its best, a Scorpio south node provides an individual with emotional insight and the strength to face and survive the darker happenings in life. Such a search can be challenging because outside influences can distort or hide ones original purpose. A major astrological event is happening that will set the course for the next 18 months. Words have power for you during this cycle. The North Node in Taurus makes a rare aspect in 2022: it conjuncts Uranus in Taurus. Uranus: 18 degrees Taurus conjunct North Node. The best things are free love, friendship, sunshine, nature. 25 th May to 8 th June 2023. If we look back 18 years ago to 2004 (the last time the North Node was in Taurus), we see these themes: The tallest skyscraper in the world was completed, Same-sex marriage was legalized in Massachusetts, but other states denied it, Loosening of restrictions on logging and other environmental matters under the Bush administration, Being too intense and serious about everything, Unhealthy power dynamics in our relationships, Fear about what could go wrong in the future, Letting past trauma stop us from moving forward in life. North Node and Uranus come with a green light from the Universe yes, you can now follow your path with no more hindrances! North Node Scorpio in the 8th House / South Node Taurus in the 2nd House. However, with the south node in Scorpio, trust doesn't come naturally to them. The North Node entered Gene Key 8 on 18 Jan 2022, but then it was still in Gemini because Gene Key 8 covers the end degrees of Taurus and the beginning degree of Gemini (2430'00' Taurus to 0007'30" Gemini). The transiting North Node entered Taurus on January 18, 2022. The north node spends approximately a year and a half in each astrological sign. When Capricorn and Cancer get together, there's sizzling chemistry. Community and fellowship are your top priorities this cycle. Saying one thing, then doing . The South Node in Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Scorpio, the planets of war and death. It could deepen our relationship to our ancestors, to the other side, to the possibilities of what else might be out there. The way society works, with all its intricacies, makes it difficult to focus on the NOW and forget about what can go wrong. Can I Interest You in Your 2022 Horoscope? Unhealthy Scorpio energy is anxious, controlling, and daunted by guilt. When you listen to your heart, youll be able to find the confidence and success youve been longing for. We should all be grateful for what we have, for what is abundantly everywhere, right? Im talking about something called ~.css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}the Nodes of Destiny~, aka the lunar nodes. Often, our focus is on the themes represented by the transiting North Node, and the transiting South Node shows us whats on the back burner. With the north node in Taurus, your mission in life is to survive, thrive, seek peace and serenity, and enjoy the best life offers. It will move through Taurus until July 17, 2023. Thats why its important to try your hardest at everything that you doespecially when it comes to your relationships. The Lunar nodes are the perfect combination of magical and mysterious. However Mercury is now slowing down and preparing to go retrograde. And we should not forget about it either, because thats our essence, who we truly are, behind layers and layers of conditioning. Mercury is conjunct Pluto for a record of almost 3 weeks so you can bet that whatever Mercury has to do in Capricorn will be an intense, all consuming endeavour. The next will not be until 2357, making this a once-in-a-lifetime event. This will help you crack open issues and figure them out based on *actual* evidence. For the. Do you feel alive inside? Taurus North Node personalities are stubborn and afraid to trust others; while they may be very loving if they are able to overcome their inability to be totally selfless. The role of traditional religion in our bedrooms and our spiritual growth will pull us in different directions. Taurus values what is tangible and real. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. You could feel pulled between work life and home life or be more aware of the pressures placed upon you by others. While people used to only read their daily sun sign horoscope, a, Do Capricorns and Scorpios Get Along? Join our mailing list to receive your monthly horoscope and regular updates on the astroweather. But there is also a part of us that never changes. Take time to find the balance you need by prioritizing personal matters, family, and the home. Luck is on your side! The topics in the Taurus part of chart may take up more space, have more ambition around them or . Promise. On the other side we have the South Node in Scorpio. Knowing this, you will be extra careful when choosing a partner because if you dont succeed, it could delay your progress in other areas, such as career and money. Mercury: 21 Degrees Capricorn Retrograde conjunct the Sun and Pluto. Of course, things dont always get better in the blink of an eye. It is also a time when you explore themes of parenthood and children. . We all have a bachelor Taurus friend who goes from one partner to another (George Clooney is a good example) until they find THE ONE and then everything changes. The search for meaning in life is a major function of the North Node in astrology. The North Node in Taurus South Node in Scorpio transit is taking place from January 2022 to July 2023. These will always be opposite to each other. We dont take anything for granted, yet we relax and surrender to lifes intrinsic beauty and grace. Pluto is asking you to transform in ways youve never done before, Pluto is asking you to go all the way through its this time, or never. Read fantasy and sci-fi for inspiration. Instead, try to keep the peace. January ends on an intense note. Watch the sunset over a mountain. Youve got this! Scorpios role is to remind us of what can go wrong if we lose our focus and awareness. Celebrate your intense, sensual side, and joyfully use your innate investigative skills and ability to unravel mysteries. Youre in a creative period, too. If I could give one piece of guidance as we enter this narrative, it would be to keep your voice steady but your throat and shoulders flexible. On January 18th, 2022, the north and south nodes (also known as Rahu and Ketu) will enter Taurus (north node) and Scorpio (south node), at long last, highlighting individual and collective lessons in balancing in this polarity. It is the new Taurus - Scorpio chapter in the Eclipse story. Mars is exalted in Capricorn so the next couple of months are a great time to get intentional about what it is that you want to achieve. At this time it can also indicate that there may be an unnecessary emphasis on materialism and extravagance. The North Node leaves Gemini and moves into Taurus, and the South Node leaves Sagittarius and moves into Scorpio. Taurus is how we indulge with our senses, by giving and receiving pleasure, whereas Scorpio is where we come into complete union with the other. It will be in this sign until July 2023. North Node in Taurus Transit 2022-2023. There might have been events such as bullying, rejection, neglect, ridicule, a parent's raging temper, or something as traumatic as physical or sexual abuse, or the death of a parent. If youve been feeling the Pluto pressure, but also stuck with no clear options on whats the next step, the Full Moon in Cancer will give you that outside perspective. Start taking risks in starting your own business, applying for the job you want, or taking that class youve always wanted to try but never had the time to. What does it mean to hold ownership? When the North Node of Destiny aligns with your Sun, itll make you feel larger than life. Although youre used to relying on your intuition, youre finding that its essential to look at actual facts before forming an opinion. The caveat is that you can become codependent on this affection as a result. Let your confidence soar and believe in your amazing capabilities. Self-expression is your theme this year, and its so important for you to PLAY! When the North Node is in Taurus, the South Node is in ScorpioTauruss opposite sign. Enjoy emotional and sexual intimacy, the magnetic way you attract others, and remain passionately loyal to those you love. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. In its relationship to the throat, Taurus alsospeaks to the way plants communicate. In astrology, the lunar nodes dictate the astrological energy that well be working with for the next one and a half years. Taurus is how we feed ourselves, how we get our nutrients, what we put inside our bodies so that we can grow and thrive. Sticking to a schedule and maintaining it doesnt vibe well with your free spirit. Youre exploring the past, including ancestral patterns and inherited beliefs. We return to the artistry of food, and we could find new ways to grow food or manufacture it. The crumble of the cookie. The North Node represents what we are facing collectively, while the South Node represents what we are releasing or revisiting from the past. The North Node leaves Gemini and moves into Taurus, and the South Node leaves Sagittarius and moves into Scorpio. I read about that, but since I just turned 45, I wasnt sure how close to 46 I needed to be to make that true. They are realistic about the world around them and enjoy taking care of others. We could also see earthquakes and tsunamis during this period, especially around the times of the eclipses in late April, May, October, or November. At a collective level, there emphasis will shift from Gemini-Sagittarius themes (movement, travel, education, laws) to Taurus-Scorpio themes (values, finances, possessions). Unhealthy Scorpio energy doesnt believe that the best things in life are actually free, and will unconsciously try to work hard to get them. These natives have an order and symmetry that you would expect with the perfectionist sign of Taurus. We hate SPAM. Taurus North Node / Scorpio South Node dates Aug, 2, 1947 - Jan. 25, 1949 Feb. 19, 1966 - Aug. 19, 1967 Sept. 11, 1984 - Apr. Surrendering to others from a place of love is what Scorpio truly wants, but well only be able to do that if we feel safe and secure (Taurus). Moon: 5 Degrees Gemini conjunct Mars. His approach to life is very straight forward and down-to-earth and he usually has his feet solidly on the ground. For example, the north node in Taurus is often blocked by fears of failure or inadequacy. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. Learn, explore, and grow. The North Node in the sign of Taurus is a sign that knows how to enjoy themselves. There is hope on the horizon but to get there we still have some important work to do. They are charismatic and powerful, driven to succeed. Be careful not to take out your frustrations on others. There may be some important announcements and revelations about themes connected to the Saturn/Uranus square. Be open to guidance and messages from the universe. Things now get personal, transforming us at a core, identity level. No one ever said that change was easy, but we all have to evolve with the times. Some sudden changes, announcements, revelations can turn our lives upside down. Scorpio South Node Dont ignore your gut, but remember to look for more info too. You dont have to do it all alone. All rights reserved. On January 14th, 2022 Mercury goes retrograde at 10 Aquarius. We learn best from experience. In anatomy. The North Node concludes its phase in Taurus from January 1 of 2023, when it will move on the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The north and south nodes are opposites that are interconnected. Another version of this scenario is attempting to control other peoples resources (emotional, financial, etc). The North Node in Taurus is often found in a professional role such as accounting, banking, the law, entertainment or the food industry. Its time to assert yourself and carve out time to do what you love to do. We need to approach them from the opposite direction. Throughout their lives, individuals with this nodal opposition experience an inner tug-of-war between their Scorpio south node and Taurus north node. In February, March and especially in April we will see the fruits of our intense labor. North Node and Uranus come with a. In the last 18 months, the North Node was in the Gemini and the South Node was in Sagittarius. And this approach goes beyond food. Is there any special meaning? When you put yourself first and know your worth, you will automatically attract relationships that are good for you and find a genuine sense of intimacy. From January 2022 we experience a powerful transition of the transiting nodal axis, shifting from Gemini/Sagittarius into Taurus/Scorpio. You survived! On January 18th, 2022 the North Node enters Taurus and the South Node enters Scorpio. When the North Node is conjunct Uranus, we will be awakened sometimes suddenly, otherwise with interesting serendipities and twists to what it is that we were truly born to do in this lifetime. The North Node of the Moon in Taurus is about enjoying the good things in life. When there is an imbalance between whats mine and whats ours, resentment and contempt can arise. The North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio will seek to strike a balance between two opposite approaches. Everyone born during the dates listed below has the north node in Taurus. Releasing attachments to things. Your Taurus north node is a symbol of inspiration, hope, guidance, and finding your life's purpose and heart's desire. It will move through Taurus until July 17, 2023. Pay attention to any news and downloads that come around January 23rd, because this will be a relevant theme in the next 3 months. What does it mean to own? Health and wellness are your top themes in this nodal cycle. Youre exploring themes of finances in relationships, debt, and freedom. (Scorpio) The North Node in Taurus will push us to become self-autonomous even if it feels scary. Revenge might be sweet, but in the end, forgiveness is sweeter. Knowing what can go wrong (relationships and friendships can end, too much sunshine can give us cancer, nature can be merciless if we go into the wild unprepared) can not only help us appreciate whats good, but it also helps us preserve our physical, emotional and psychological integrity so that we have enough life to live to appreciate the good Taurus stuff. However, in January 2022 its the personal planets Mercury, Venus and the Sun that go through Plutos purgatory fire of transformation. But the condition for new life to emerge is total surrender, when we give away a little bit of our life force, to create something new. In anatomy, Taurus rules the mouth, and Scorpio the excretory organs. But before that, Taurus role is to search and discover. They are charismatic and powerful, driven to succeed. Beginning of cycles are very powerful, so you really want to take your time to tap into this powerful renewal energy of the Sun-Venus conjunction to get crystal clear about who you really are and what it is that you truly want. The satisfaction of meeting his own potential will be the prize that makes all his work worthwhile. In astrology, the north node is with your life purpose and your soul's mission in this lifetime. At its best, a Taurus north node endows an individual with the strength of resiliency and the ability to create a stable, abundant, peaceful, and comfortable life. These Taurus-Scorpio connected themes will emerge especially when we have the Solar and Lunar Eclipses. You give great insight on how to bring balance into ones life. Youre also looking at ways to make your home life feel more supportive. It is not so much a shift away from a hierarchical structure as it is an iteration that the top must be in constant touch with the base and that both should feel that everyone has an equal chance and an equal stake in the organization. The North Node entered Taurus on Tuesday, January 18, 2022. Because of their backward movement, the Lunar Nodes are associated with our past lives, with karma and destiny. Needless to say, the Taurus North Node points to real assets, wholesome resources and the investment in things of intrinsic value as the more enlightened way forward for our survival. In December 2021 we already got a taste of Pluto, with 2 Venus-Pluto conjunctions. Feel something in the air? What makes being a man or a woman a fixed definition? Hailing from a long line of spiritual healers, Lisa has been practicing astrology professionally for over 15 years but has been studying the stars all of her life. His desire for knowledge and self-mastery will lead him toward personal growth through life purpose, service and self-expression. Its a time to prioritize purpose.. How does your work align with purpose? Your South Node is a gift something that is waiting to be birthed and brought to completion. Fated events, and fated relationships await you. For more information about each of these time periods click here South Node Co-Ruler, Pluto's Last Year in Capricorn . The South Node in Scorpio might reveal secrets. To me, the moon has everything to do with resonance and your emotional body the imprints on the . Autonomy (Taurus) vs. Youll be looking at the way you work and how to make your daily activities more rewarding. On January 24th, 2022 Mars leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn. 24 th July to 22 nd August 2022. Its not only OK to dream big in 2022 it is strongly encouraged! 18, 37, 55, or 74 years old you will have your Nodal Return, which is a time when you effortlessly move in the direction of your destiny. Every decision made now will have enduring consequences . Nodes of the Moon Explained The Nodes of the Moon are not actual planets or asteroids. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Were moving through a cultural renaissance, and the arts are going to receive attention. What do you mean by Karmic recalibration? The transiting nodes indicate where were focusing (North Node) and what were analyzing and repairing (South Node). THANK YOU to the author(s) of this blog and ALL blogs, they are exceptionally written and constructed, meaningful and relatable. The Nodes of the Moon will stay in Taurus and Scorpio until July 12th, 2023. As we move into Taurus North node, a fixed sign of foundations, structure and stability, where we get to explore our senses and sensuality, especially through our connection with the Earth. On January 26th, 2022 Mercury retrograde re-enters Capricorn to finish what he has started in December 2022. Food is love. Spread a blanket on the ground and have a gourmet picnic accompanied by a glass of fine wine. We take a leap of trust and pull resources together with others without knowing if they will take good care of what we worked hard to acquire. Youre combing through the past and eliminating any tired energy thats keeping you stuck. North Node in Taurus 2022 - 2023 Image: Egromov, Getty Images The North Node in Taurus is all about personal financial security. They are detail-oriented, but like to be domestic and spend time in the home. Taurus is ingestion, Scorpio is control and release. 30 April 2022: North Node Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus (10:18 degrees at 21:28). Our values realign with who we truly are. Its a fertile time when you can generate new ideas and possibilities. In the heart of the Sun, Venus officially begins a new 18-month cycle. Capricorn Men With Cancer Women - Are They a Match? Hard transits among slow-moving planets like Saturn and Uranus and/or Moon Nodes typically coincide with major geopolitical events, large scale The famous individuals listed below have a Taurus north node. The magic is found in the tension between the two. Also, if you are (approx.) yes, you can now follow your path with no more hindrances! You have your Reverse Nodal Return If you are (approx) 27, 46, 64 or 83 years old, you will have your Reverse Nodal Return, which is a time of adjustment, integration of what youve learned, and karmic recalibration.. At the very beginning of this collective journey, we find the North Node synced with the dwarf planet Ceres, which is named after the Roman goddess of agriculture and motherly relationships. When Taurus and Scorpio are out of balance, we either dont appreciate what we have (Taurus) because we are afraid of what can go wrong (Scorpio), or we dont relax into surrender (Scorpio) because we are afraid of losing whats ours (Taurus). The north node in Taurus suggests that as you grow older, you become more grounded and feel at home in the physical world. You are exploring what it means to operate within a belief system, and in doing so, questioning limiting beliefs youve inherited. You can expect similar themes to resurface from January 2022 until July 2023. Stationary Mercury is square Uranus, triggering the Saturn-Uranus square that influenced us at a collective level throughout 2021. The South Node in Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Scorpio, the planets of war and death. Only from a position on enoughness can we then build something beautiful with others. In fact, the lunar nodes work as a pair of opposites that move together in the same degree. : it conjuncts Uranus in Taurus 2022 - 2023 Image: Egromov Getty... Emerge especially when we have the Solar and Lunar Eclipses to unravel mysteries April. Already had 2 miscarriages with these transits the Taurus part of chart may take up more space, more. There 's sizzling chemistry that you doespecially when it comes to your relationships Node concludes its phase in Taurus about! January 1 of 2023, when it will move on the other we. 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With Cancer Women - are they a Match last 18 months and,... Is waiting to be birthed and brought to completion focusing ( North Node in Taurus is often characterized with and! Getty Images the North Node in Taurus is all about personal financial security can now follow path. Focus and awareness be working with for the next one and a half each! Other side, to see and hold with their hands are awesome a transition... The chance to use our intuition to guide us in different directions by Mars and,!, resentment and contempt can arise will help you crack open issues and figure them based... Combing through the past, including ancestral patterns and inherited beliefs food, and the home feet on... Taurus from January 1 of 2023, when it comes to your heart, youll able. Feel at home in the same degree purpose and heart 's desire to strike a balance between two approaches... - Scorpio chapter in the physical world through Taurus until July 2023 new -... Exact on July 26th, 2022 and brought to completion youre finding that its essential to back! Gift something that is waiting to be domestic and spend time in the Gemini and moves into Scorpio that us! Taurus will push us to become more grounded and feel at home in the same degree major to! & # x27 ; s mission in this lifetime fact, the magnetic way you work and you. ( Taurus ) vs. youll north node in taurus 2022 able to find the balance you need by prioritizing personal,! The next one and a refusal to look at actual facts before forming opinion. Scorpios get Along was stronger than life, we would never survive is in ScorpioTauruss opposite sign the Moon the! Is an imbalance between whats mine and whats ours, resentment and contempt can arise of Pluto, 2! Axis, shifting from Gemini/Sagittarius into Taurus/Scorpio ingestion, Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Scorpio until July,... Stretch you to grow food or manufacture it around them or, have ambition...

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north node in taurus 2022