name baseball players quiz

","correct":false},{"text":"Most of these players didn't go over your head. Baseball Quiz Questions and Answers 1. <p>what player is this</p> Preview this quiz on Quizizz. ","answers":[{"text":"Jackie Robinson","correct":true},{"text":"Satchel Paige","correct":false},{"text":"Willie Mays","correct":false},{"text":"Frank Robinson","correct":false}],"img":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/03\/which-baseball-player-is-this-1-42365.jpg","imgalt":"which-baseball-player-is-this-1","caption":"Bettmann\/Getty Images"},"2":{"slideId":3290356,"position":2,"url":"https:\/\/\/sports\/quiz-can-you-name-baseballs-most-famous-players-from-one-picture\/2\/","content":"\t\n

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Which baseball player is this?<\/h2>\n\t
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<\/a>5%<\/span><\/div>\n \t
\n \n \"which-baseball-player-is-this-2\"\n <\/picture>\n
\n \n \n <\/a>\n \n <\/i> Retry <\/a>\n <\/span>\n \n \n <\/i> Correct <\/span>\n \n <\/i> Incorrect <\/span>\n <\/span>\n This is Derek Jeter. Just hearing the word \\\"baseball\\\" conjures memories of a green field, the crack of the bat, the scent of hot dogs, and a roaring crowd. As of 2019, Bonds holds the record for most career home runs at 762.<\/span>\n\t\t\t <\/span>\n <\/div>\n
\n Next<\/a>\n <\/div>\n
Sporting News via Getty Images<\/div>\n
Sporting News via Getty Images<\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t

Which baseball player is this?<\/h2>\n\t
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