libreoffice basic programming guide pdf

The following call deletes the Filename file. Before you can create the dialog, you must ensure that the library it uses (in this example, the Standard library) is loaded. Whereas cell, paragraph, and character elements can be formatted directly, page formats can also be defined and indirectly applied using page styles. The following call can therefore be used to provide a file with read-only status: The date and time of the last amendment to a file are provided by the FileDateTime function. If the bitmap is already available in LibreOffice, you just need to specify its name in the FillBitMapName property and its display style (simple, tiled, or elongated) in the FillBitmapMode property (default values in accordance with In some cases the loop may only terminate when a condition is met within the loop. Here are the central methods that the service provides for navigation: The text is divided into sentences on the basis of sentence symbols. To specify that a parameter is to be passed as a value, ensure that the ByVal keyword precedes the variable declaration in the function header. They may essentially consist of standard text, but can be placed at any position on a page and are not included in the text flow. The service grants access to the content of a paragraph. Note: In the second example, the page is accessed by its name and the getByName method. The gradient starts with red (StartColor) in the top left corner, and extends at a 45 degree angle (Angle) to green (EndColor) in the bottom right corner. However, these speed considerations no longer apply, reducing the need for single variables. Title, subtitle and legend are basic elements provided for every chart. The associated service supports line and fill properties. An annotation field has the following properties. So Replace("This is a test", " ", "_") yields "This_is_a_test" :D. Warning: Here are the associated properties of the service: Once the SearchDescriptor has been prepared as requested, it can be applied to the text document. Note: To do this, a free file handle is needed, which clearly identifies the file for subsequent file access. In some instances, the date cannot be converted: In the example shown, the assignment of the test string to a date variable makes no sense, so the Basic interpreter reports an error. The XIndexAccess and XIndexContainer interfaces are used in objects which contain subordinate objects and which can be addressed using an index. For example, you can check whether a user has typed a valid number or date. Automatic optimization continues until the row is assigned an absolute height through the Height property. If you want to apply a predefined color gradient, you can assign the associated name of the FillTransparenceGradientName property. The following example demonstrates the use of ReplaceDescriptors for a search within a LibreOffice document. In this case, the syntax of the function is: In the previous examples, InStr ignores uppercase and lowercase characters. The Exit For instruction allows you to exit a For loop prematurely. Every UNO object knows what properties, methods and interfaces it already contains. The expression Dim MyArray(3) declares an array that has four variables of the variant data type, namely MyArray(0), MyArray(1), MyArray(2), and MyArray(3). An A stands for the decimal number 10, while the letter F represents the decimal number 15. The following example writes the "Just a Test." Routine tasks can therefore be automated in LibreOffice Basic, links can be made to other programs for example to a database server and complex activities can be performed at the press of a button by using predefined scripts. As can be seen in the example from the previous section, LibreOffice provides a getString method for accessing table contents. The following call, for example, determines whether the TextElement object supports the service. Instead, to simplify code maintenance and troubleshooting, you should create another procedure to serve as an entry point for event handling - even if it only executes a single call to the target procedure. You can also define arrays in which the dimension of the data fields dynamically changes. It is described in the chapter Apache OpenOffice Basic of the Developer's Guide. Calculations with long integer variables are very fast and are particularly useful for loop counters. As the number of these words is initially unknown, you need to be able to subsequently change the field limits. The procedure for defining page formats differs from other forms of formatting. Basic can handle both methods like a property Name. It then converts a URL into a local file name and also displays this. The active document object is accessed in LibreOffice through the StarDesktop.CurrentComponent property, or through ThisComponent. LibreOffice Basic supports Modules and Libraries. The drawing object can, for example, be created as follows using a spreadsheet object: A paragraph template in a text document is created in the same way: The XNameAccess and XNameContainer interfaces are used in objects that contain subordinate objects, which can be addressed using a natural language name. Global variables are declared in the header section of a module using the keyword Global: Private variables are only available in the module in which they are defined. This includes the distance of the paragraph from the edge of the page as well as line spacing. The CompatibilityMode statement and function provide greater compatibility with VBA, by changing the operation of certain functions. The regular expressions supported by LibreOffice are described in detail in the online help section for LibreOffice. For example, to process a mouse click, you may need the screen position where the mouse button was pressed. A Draw (or Impress) document is composed of pages, also called slides. The following sections present the central functions of the runtime library: In many situations, circumstances arise in which a variable of one type has to be changed into a variable of another type. You can page through and search in the selected tables and queries, as well as change data records and insert new data records. The call must take place before the next navigation command, otherwise the values will be lost. LibreOffice automatically creates a new document if the document specified in the URL is a template. Strings, together with numbers, form the most important basic types of LibreOffice Basic. en However, this character set does not include a range of special characters used in Europe, such as , , and , as well as other character formats, such as the Cyrillic alphabet. Two chart walls usually exist for 3D charts: one behind the plotted data and one as the left-hand or right-hand demarcation. If this is not the case, it must be determined using the preceding code. Before accessing a returned object, you should therefore check whether the returned object supports the service for paragraphs or the service for tables. The assignments. When specifying a service name, it is only the module name which is of any importance because this must be also listed in the name. The return value is provided as a bit mask in which the following values are possible: The following example determines the bit mask of the test.txt file and checks whether this is read-only whether it is a directory. In LibreOffice Writer, standard letters can be created with the assistance of SDBC data sources and these can then be printed out. The DrawPages container of a drawing document is also used to create and delete individual pages. The actual replacement process is finally implemented using the replaceAll method of the document object, which replaces all occurrences of the search expression. VBA: In VBA, the Err.Clear method of the Err object resets the error status after an error occurs. If assignment is successful, the function returns True. For example, LibreOffice Basic only allows special characters in markers when using Option Compatible, since they can cause problems in international projects. A LibreOffice form may adopt one of two modes: the draft mode and the display mode. A struct is an ordered collection of data fields, that can be manipulated as a single item. The paragraph properties are available through the service. The descriptor objects for searching and replacing in spreadsheet documents are not created directly through the document object, but rather through the Sheets list. In VBA, the function also returns the names of the standard files so that further checking is needed to retrieve the directories only. Rectangle shape objects ( support the following services for formatting objects: The Service service is responsible for circles and ellipses and supports the following services: In addition to these services, circles and ellipses also provide these properties: The CircleKind property determines if an object is a complete circle, a circular slice, or a section of a circle. Once the file is opened, the Print instruction can create the file contents, line by line: FileNo also stands for the file handle here. There are no practical limits on the indexes or on the number of elements in an array, so long as there is enough memory: Note: Every control element has its own name that can be queried using the following model property: You can specify the title that appears in the title bar of a dialog with the following model property: You can query the size and position of a control element using the following properties of the model object: To ensure platform independence for the appearance of dialogs, LibreOffice uses the Map AppFont (ma) internal unit to specify the position and size within dialogs. The code used in the example then creates a list containing all charts of the first spreadsheet (Charts line = Doc.Sheets(0).Charts). For example, support for the ChDir, ChDrive and CurDir functions is not provided. The FilterOptions property contains the description of the syntax of the csv file. VBA: The CellProperties object in the LibreOffice API is comparable with the Interior object from VBA which also defines cell-specific properties. The following parameters can be specified here: The following example is virtually the same as the preceding example, but the Dir function transfers the value 16 as a parameter, which returns the sub-directories of a folder rather than the file names. The control elements available in forms are similar to those of dialogs. You can add a shadow to most drawing objects with the service. In a similar way to the search window, the settings needed for a search can be set in the SearchDescriptor object. LibreOffice recognizes five different axes that can be used in a chart. A database connection is needed for access to a database. All occurrences of the name, The character $ marks a paragraph end. The method provides the result in the form of a string. These include. For more information about the LibreOffice API and the Software Development Kit, visit In the hexadecimal system (base 16 system), a 2-digit number corresponds to precisely one byte. You do, however, have the option of switching to a TextCursor which allows for navigation at the level of characters, sentences and words. This example shows how you may define and use a struct, and how to reference the items within it, both with and without With. Date literals allow to specify unambiguous date variables that are independent from the current language. The formatting properties can be found in each object (Paragraph, TextCursor, and so on) and can be applied directly. The declaration can only be made using the supplement As Date. The objective of developing this interface was to provide access to as many different data sources as possible. Once the message box has been confirmed, it replaces the content of the window with the test2.odt file. The LibreOffice Developer's Guide describes the LibreOffice API in more detail than this guide, but is primarily intended for Java and C++ programmers. The createTextCursorByRange call then creates a Cursor, which is positioned at the anchor position of the bookmark. The WithEnd With bracketing statements provide an alternative to writing out all the qualifiers, every time and some of the qualifiers in the API can be quite long. LibreOffice combines the grouped control elements into an array so that the individual buttons of a LibreOffice Basic program can be reached in the same way. It can access databases created by many database programs, including Microsoft Access, MySQL, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. The TextCursor object in LibreOffice, for example, provides methods for navigating and changing text which are included in the Range object in VBA (for example, MoveStart, MoveEnd, InsertBefore, InsertAfter). This example shows how a ResultSet can be used to query values from a database table. Character sets match characters in a string with a corresponding code (numbers and characters) in a table that describes how the computer is to display the string. The definition will then be available to all routines in the module. In the second example, the sheet is accessed by its name and the getByName method. Such CellRange objects are created using the getCellRangeByName call of the spreadsheet object: A colon (:) is used to specify a cell range in a spreadsheet document. Each of these formats has an internal number that is used to assign the format to cells using the NumberFormat property. Note: VBA: Whereas the active document in Word is accessed through Application.ActiveDocument and in Excel through Application.ActiveWorkbook, in LibreOffice, the StarDesktop is responsible for this task. LibreOffice Basic allows numbers to be specified in the exponential writing style, for example, you can write 1.5e-10 for the number 1.5 x 10-10 (0.00000000015). The following example uses the String property to display the first words of a sentence in a message box: The first word of each sentence can be modified in the same way using the String property: If the TextCursor contains a highlighted area, an assignment to the String property replaces this with the new text. as is the case in the previous example for paragraphs. To avoid such blind events, save the old control element value in a global variable, and then check to see if the value has changed when an event is executing. Extensive examples are provided to help you quickly develop your own LibreOffice Basic programs. The division between visible program elements (View) and the data or documents behind them (Model) occurs at many places in LibreOffice API. creates both the C:\SubDir1\SubDir2 directory and the C:\SubDir1\SubDir2\SubDir3 directory. This is positioned between the first and second word of the text. VBA: In VBA, the MkDir and RmDir functions only relate to the current directory. Correct handling of error situations is one of the most time-consuming tasks of programming. Chapter 1. Many parts of LibreOffice Basic are identical to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications and Microsoft Visual Basic. Direct formatting is used in particular with short documents because the formats can be assigned by the user with the mouse. These are useful if no cells have been merged in the table. A dialog containing a label and a list box. The Val function is different from the Csng, Cdbl and Cstr methods. If you want to cleanly structure your code to prevent generating errors when you use this construct, you should not use jump commands without monitoring them. In addition to providing several interfaces for editing the content, this service provides the following properties: A sheet provides methods getName and setName to read and modify its name. Data records subordinate objects and which can be seen in the previous examples, InStr ignores and! Of these words is initially unknown, you can page through and search in the help... The text Visual Basic for Applications and Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications and Microsoft Basic. For Applications and Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications and Microsoft Visual Basic, including Microsoft access, MySQL Oracle... Directory and the Software Development Kit, visit https: // online help section for LibreOffice implemented using replaceAll. Provided to help you quickly develop your own LibreOffice Basic are identical to Microsoft Basic! 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libreoffice basic programming guide pdf