pastor anita biography

A lot went through my mind as a result of this episode. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome got married to Anita Ebhodaghe on February 2, 1991, and they had two daughters namely Sharon and Charlyn Oyakhilome.. Pastor Anita filed for divorce on April 9, 2014, at the Central Family Court in London. She never mentioned anything about CE nor Pastor Chris. 5. . 7:12-14). They had two daughters. Leave both Pastor Chris and Pastor Anita alone - you are not wearing their shoes so you can't judge. It must have been tough to keep singing the praises of someone that hurts you so badly. The kingdom of the iron and brass. PA l have learnt a lot from you.James 1:19. Strangers . Have they said the same to PC?. Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Philip trusted Jesus Christ . - GO GET SAVED!!!! She was in charge of the churchs United Kingdom branches and other branches around the world. Please be focus, Trust your God and believe in yourself. Dr. Anita Phillips Discovering Work-Life Balance As a trauma therapist, life coach and minister, Dr. Anita Phillips is an expert at unraveling the human experience. Simple things work in life. You should have just put it where it belongs in the bin. They had two daughters. It's a very bad spirit. Or have you got an allegation against her other than according to Pst Chris she is allegedly 'bitter, doesn't know what it takes to be a wife of a top preacher, has friends advising her and she is a carnal christian'. Others were married and divorced before they became a Christian and after being born-again and so since they remarried before becoming a Christian, there is nothing that they can do about that and God does not condemn such people. Pastor Anita is originally from Nigerian but currently resides in the United Kingdom. ADULTERY or your reasons for divorce is not welcome. Any thing she does whether remarrying or sex. Connect with Reverend Anita Farber-Robertson, minister. You can do something to change the pain by overlooking every obstacle, take control as a force of nature to grow and expand. @promise Yes it will spread that the scripture will be fulfilled: wide is the road that leads to destruction and many are they that find it. Watch and listen to all she has to say. But if you place your faith in Jesus, you will never have a faith crisis because he will not fumble or wobble. Within the fellowship, Anita became a born again Christian and found her husband-to-be. She did this , she did thatbut when it comes to their 'God of men' you hear 'I did not send him, I cannot judge him' . 7:8-9). Cowards, if you truly have the Spirit of God, you will not seek to intimidate the abused, rather you will confront the anointed abuser. Very little is known about Anitas early life. Bitter water and sweet water does not mix together. Maurice Stimage, Jr. Pastor. After all, lie is the foundation of sin; a tool that devil has been using ever before there was anything called divorce. The fact that the woman of God allows pple to clearly air their views without editing the unpleasant ones should show you plainly that She has nothing to hide! Thank God u are a pastor and u know God's word more than I do why are u divorcing ur husband and God warns us that He hate divorce and Jesus also said that it is not good for any man to put away his wife and likewise the woman. Simple answer is, LIVE FOR JESUS ALONE AND DONT BE MEN PLEASERS. Pastor Anita is the first daughter of an Italian/Swiss mom and a Nigerian father. Anita Oyakhilome biography. If he dies today will you be buried with him?. What Does The Bible Say About Marrying After Divorce.and is it Adultery If You Do? Good day Pst Anita. If you humans have made divorce a sin, how come you refused to make telling lies a sin? www .emoaf .org. Over a year after she divorced her husband over domestic abuse allegations, the [] In this case, divorcing from them might have proven tragic. The first daughter in a family of five, Anita is of dual citizenship, born of a Nigerian father, Mr. John U. Ebhodaghe, OFR, former MD/CEO of Nigerian Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC), and a Swiss mother. She metPastor Chris Oyakhilomeat the University, who later became her husband. He was born and raised in Edo State, Nigeria. Pastor Chris got married in 1991 to Anita Ebhodaghe and the couple was married for 25 years until their divorce on the 8th of February 2016. Things seemed nice and quiet, until 2014 came around. Many of them are not evil. Thank you rev Anita. She serves as a minister along with her husband Pastor Michael Phillips, at Kingdom Life Church. No peace for the wicked! Who knows whether his ex wife could be restored back to him (like Pst Benny Hinn) before it is too late. Dr. Anita encourages, educates, and empowers people of faith to prevent and respond to mental health issues in their lives and relationships. It will only shock you if you actually think she is a Christian. He is in CE and has firgotten the Scripture that says touch not my anointed. This is something the ex-husband can't dare or else, he will have the embarrassment of his life, with the way the world truly sees him. I know you well enough and the parties involved in this matter. Pst Anita pls think about what I said for heavens sake cos that is our ultimate goal in life. Or better yet, should I kill someone? If you're brave enough to stand in the light, Dr. Anita is here to help you evolve into the best version of yourself. Yet behind the Irish accent and witty humor is a man who truly loves the Lord. I aim to offer a confidential and non-judgemental place to help my clients understand their issues and provide a safe place where they can work through their feelings or situation. Nowadays, things are much calmer and quieter. I want u to know that we all are pilgrims here on earth, we have a place that have been prepared for us. Pastor Anita, Please answer me, Should Christians keep anger for long, and hold to a grudge? Biography Of Pastor Anita Ebhodaghe Oyakhilome. The Oyakhilome's family and friends were present but sadly Pastor Chris' Ex-wife Anita was conspicuously absent."She must have felt left out of everything since Sharon lived with her dad," a source at the Christ . The lines will become more and more blurred but the remnant of God must remain steadfast. I was particularly encouraged by the fact that one of those who posted the false claims on Facebook has retracted his statement. African Christians use your mind and brain. When a woman that has been through many things decides to exit and go in peace, try not to push such too hard because you will be surprised what is behind her long silence . Dr. Anita Phillips (born in the 1970s) is an American public speaker and mentalist. God is merciful and kind, his grace is beyond our imagination. Keep spreading to hell!!! And thank you for taking the stand for truth and integrity. Anita!!! Where do you keep ur followers? Several emotional issues hold us back from tapping into our potential to make our vision a reality. 4. She will rather look to God rather than man. The message we need in this generation is the message of the cross. Afoanu! So I am wondering why some are saying dilly things here. He says that whatever state you were in when you became a believer is the most desirable state to remain in (1 Cor. Thank u. Pls I want to use this medium to advice all Christ embassy members to please talk to their head the issue of church separating husband and a wife to live apart is not Godly it will encouraging unfaithfulness, adultery, cheat etc among the couples God said for this reason a man and a woman should live their both parents and Clive together and they two shall become one, but CE is against it . Enough of your rootless lies! I cried my heart out in prayers to God. Stop Blasting Christ Embassy for no reason woman! When people talk about marriage like this it makes me feel sad. If you are a man, then your likes think women are merchandise and are comfortable to abuse your women even deny them sex in marriage. New report from says Pastor Anita Oyakhilome, the former wife of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy, has remarried. Regardless, we would like tell you more about Pastor Chris and Anita Oyakhilome biography pre- and post-divorce. Pastor , I hope you able to read this .. My work is in counselling and helping people who are dealing with stress, abuse, bereavement, depression, low self-esteem, loneliness, trauma, lack of energy or motivation. The wife is seeking divorce on the grounds of . . Thank you sir or ma. At least it takes two to tangle. You keep bringing adultery into this blog?. Deceiving and lieing to people since 1880. People believe that it was more of a secret wedding that a show for the pastor. But you know what? The scripture is clear on who a Christian is. When Karl was called to World Hope International in 2009, Anita became the lead pastor in one of the New Life Wesleyan Church congregations . He is the son of Elder T.E Oyakhilome and Angelina. The scripture is clear on repentance and righteousness. His teaching is base on creating one's world with the mouth, faith confession which is not of God if it happens to be the object of one's faith, does it mean he didn't apply the same principle before his marriage finally hits the rock? Selah, True. An important point is that even if you become a Christian and are married to a non-believer, you have no excuse to divorce them. Sepanjang tahun awal tahun 1980an hingga 2003, dia ialah kawan baik kepada Leslie Cheung, yang juga . The spot light is on you. Hello Pst Kevin, I am an avid reader of this blog and always blessed by the messages here. Together they gave birth to 2 beautiful daughters - Charlyn and Sharon. We are all children of God and we know that God hates divorce so no need to be condescending to anyone here. Anita Fuentes (ne Rivera; born March 8, 1978), [3] also known by her professional title, Evangelist Anita Fuentes, is a Puerto Rican-American Christian evangelist and pastor [3] best known for her end times broadcast Open Your Eyes People and The Evangelistic Ministries of Anita Fuentes. God bless Anita. There is no bondage or darkness in God. LET GO AND LET GOD!!! Why are members scared to ask questions in the church even when you write it won't be addressed if it seem to talk what they don't want to hear? He was the eldest son of the Family of T. Oyakhilome. One currently seated bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) participated in her ordination along with three retired bishops, nearly 200 clergy persons, and over 1,100 others in an extraordinary show of support for the ordination of gay and lesbian . Promise & Olaking,who died and made you GOD?! So, they turned to the greatest weapon they have.lies and propaganda. And you promise have just confirm it! Anita Odegwa Oyakhilome, has entered the final phase, Lagostimes Nigeria can report. And continue in your wonder land! Without physical contact your marriage is finished. For one's sanity, seperation is the way of escape. Anita and Chris had two children together. @ Jubilee boy please take kisses. You've always handled the rumours and the stories with grace and dignity - and we love you for that. Fornication is not the same thing as adultery. Her age is not mentioned. It will not be displayed until it is approved. Her name does not surface in the media quite as much as before. We know that Anita Pastor had been residing in Hallandale, Broward County, Florida 33009. I know The spirit of God will open his eyes to see beyound fame and fortune and humble himself and do the will of God and nt the will of man. Shall we continue to sin that grace may abound?. Deceit is sin. Hold your peace. Remember coming to see you with my late wife at Chelmsford. How a blog to refute a false claim can generate so much hatred. Anita Oyakhilome got married nearly 23 years ago (in 1991). Rev. Anita Carol Hill (born 1951) is a LGBT American minister in the Lutheran Church. How gracious is that, even though she was knew what she was going through. His foot prints of adultery can be hidden from our eyes but cannot be hidden from the Creator's eyes.Keep boasting instaed of helping him repent.I see you going down with him.Terrible thing.I am utterly shocked.I only can imagine what this woman went through in his hands and suffered silently hmmmm, But she is still called Anita Oyakhilome on the website. According to Forbes, Chris Oyakhilome's estimated worth is a whopping $50million dollars. You are here: ontario weather doppler sodi rt8 european racing karts top speed pastor anita biography. Role model? Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. We would face Him and give account. Please sit back and think very well before you rant. According to the report, instead of the . This is a clear case of religiosity, which is the spirit of rebellion, the woman of Babylon. On the issue of Pst Anita not sleeping with any manthis makes me laugh because you are so carnal to think of her that way. The truth is, anytime a man places his faith on a person or thing, he will have to do everything he can to protect that person/thing because if that person/thing fails, he fails. January 10, 2023 News Music The first thing God started showing me was seeing the light going off whenever pastor is preaching, sudden darkness in the church especially around him, a revelation I reported to them several times but what they did with it was totally theirs then after that God gave me the shocked of my life when He told me to stop listening to pastor Chris if I really want the truth- it took me some time of struggle before I could yield to it because I had his channel on all of my gadgets, picking anyone of them then it was pastor Chris if you know what i mean but my deliverance from whether spell I will call it finally came when I heard about their divorce issue, in fact the news caster who broke the news then received the greatest insult and abused of her life. Anita Oyakhilome got married nearly 23 years ago (in 1991). Friends may desert you. She is the 1st daughter of a family of five. 7:17-24). God bless you. Trauma therapist and life coach, Dr. Anita Phillips is an expert at unraveling the human experience. If you remarry after your spouse was unfaithful, this is an extenuating circumstance and God would not condemn anyone for this. Thank you pastor Anita for standing on the truth a refusing to live a lie! You can find her at and read her blog on Instead, she unknowingly created another topic of gossips. He dined with a sinner, he took care of a prostitute . I don't know what the church is turning into these days. I am reiterating this to ensure that no one is misled by the false rumors or unfounded statements that show up and are spread from time to time on the Internet. A Popular Nigerian Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's marriage of about 22-years is reportedly falling apart. A Wonderous Lineage. Together they gave birth to 2 beautiful daughters - Charlyn and Sharon. You tried your best. They are charismatic, famous, powerful, influential and wealthy. So be objective, on whose account was the marriage vows broken? They later divorced in February 2016 after 25years of marriage on the basis of "Unreasonable Behaviour". It is satanic. God continue to bless and uphold you Rev Anita. Nobody is saying divorce is good or that God likes it but like Pastor Chris once said you do not know how you will react until you are forced into a particular situation. God does allow for remarriage too in the case of a spouses death but that the person you are marrying must be a Christian (1 Cor. It was put there to be used by the same God you call on . Anita Oyakhilome graduated from Ambrose Alli University in Ekpoma with a degree in English. Certainly, no believer should ever marry an unbeliever because that is to be unequally yoked (2 Cor 6:14). Regardless, we would like tell you more about Pastor Chris and Anita Oyakhilome biography pre- and post-divorce. Chris Oyakhilome's Age: 59 years old. LIES---------the tool of the devil MONEY----the root of all evil Now, tell me, why should anybody still require a prophet to tell him/her what this church is? Only for My Father in Heaven to reveal to me in the dream of the night one year later the reason for the divorce and told me not to pray further. I don't know what the church is turning into these days. The dissolution of the marriage between Christ Embassy Church founder, Pastor Christian Oyakhilome, and his wife, Rev. They cannot even travel without prior consent from their spouses. However, she did not step away from religion and pastoral work. Forget adultery. If a husbands or wifes mate leave them, then they can not be held responsible for the marriage and some believe that Paul says that they are not bound by the law (I Cor. Going through this process will assist clients with moving forward to achieve their goals. In their bid to proselytize, they are asked questions they have no correct answers to ; they are given cold shoulders for the perceived cesspool of iniquity in the ministry. Many people are fascinated by the impressive life of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome - his background, a widely successful ministry, family and former wife Anita. Regardless, we would like tell you more about Pastor Chris and Anita Oyakhilome biography pre- and post-divorce. Your suspicion and lies can only work on a few not all! Prior to his controversial divorce, Pastor Chris was happily married to Anita Oyakhilome. After all said and done, Christ Embassy, is spreading and standing strong! Are you di first woman in his life? In 1991, Oyakhilome married Anita Ebhodaghe. Biography of Anita Oyakhilome has seen some changes. Posting lies about a situation is awkward. Whatever has happened will certainly will be corrected. Carissa Sharon Oyakhilome. Infact he didnt notice this at the beginning just because she had resources from her wealthy father. Promise or whatever you call yourself, You're a disappointment to the body of Christ. She did not abandon her parishioners entirely. You must be living in another world to think that rumours like that can go unnoticed. On April 9, 2014, she filed for divorce. Pastor Frank E. Ray, of New Salem Baptist Church in Memphis, who travels the world preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and teaching men and women to love each other, to forgive each other, and to cherish marriage, spent this morning trying to take everything his wife has, and seeking alimony from the woman he married in 2004 after having an in . Haven said that, I want to point out some issue here to those who care to listen but before then, I want to say thank you to Rev. September 7, 2014. However, there was another major reason. Bishop Peggy Johnson announced the retirement of the Rev. Nor fear of condemnation. Where do you keep di future of ur children by ur decision. The Bible does not teach such a thing and if the unbelieving spouse is willing to remain married to the believer, then by all means they should stay married and clearly, no divorce is permitted. Since then, there have been no news on her marital status or personal life in general. One has to truly love Jesus to take this stand against the powers of CE. SMH! I know of a lady who passed through hell in her marriage till she passed on all in the name of divorce isn't allowed! It could be because her divorce with a famous pastor Chris Oyakhilome was finalized more than a year ago. I pray those abusing her will get to know what really happen. Personally, I wanna say kudos for your courage and strength. degree in Business Administration from the former William Tyndale College of Farmington, Michigan. See Also:Pastor Anita Ebhodaghe Personal Website. Their names are Charlyn and Sharon. Not this grey area faith and grace gospel that has become the order of the day, today. It is surprising that the marriage between Anita and Chris lasted so long. When disaster strikes your life or mine - or that of your pastor, neighbor, parent, son or daughter - God stands fast. So thanks for the advise, those who are indulging will find it very useful. Paul would suggest that they would be of better service to God if they remained single, as he was, but some people who have greater sexual drives may not be able to handle this (1 Cor. THE LEAST WE CAN DO IS RESPECT HER BLOG!!! The first ministry that God constituted was marriage and God did not intend that to conflict with the work he has given us. Infact He remains merciful. Or it might be because Anita Oyakhilome is now Anita Ebhodaghe. You and your likes thinks Pst Anita can be bullied on social media; but I dare you to go to the UK and see whether you will not be disgraced. Taylor-Storm is currently Superintendent of the South District and was recently Dean of the Cabinet. In the species of women you are not counted to be special. God also hates divorce and says so many times in the scriptures (Malachi 2:16). We can all remember that it was in 2016 that her union with Pastor Chris Oyakhilome was dissolved. Even if a single person who marries a divorced person, it is called adultery (Duet.24:4). Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Anita Schafer, and others are using new ways to help people find and connect with the life-changing Word of God. She is not a Christian. Promise please I want to encourage you to follow after Christ not after a man. 3. I pray that the holyspirit will open your eye to see and see for real! I wonder why people forget what it means for a man and woman to exchange "yes I do", be4 God and in d presence of men, yet one breaks those words, then people now say rubish about the womans decision becos d husband is what. Anita God is ure strength, words can't express wut u feeling. IT BEATS MY IMAGINATION) However, we should forgive them. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! They cannot even travel without prior consent from their spouses. It's so baseless! Stop this bullying, this is Pastor Anita's Blog, stay away please!!! Need I say more till we meet. They have two beautiful daughters, Charlyn and Sharon Oyakhilome. Nationality: Nigerian. It is gray area Christianity. Hi Pst Anita, I am not really happy concerning what is happening between u and Pst Chris because both of u are role model to many of us in the Christian faith and u should understand this fact no matter what is happening in Ur marriage, u must be patient in it and take it to God in prayers, pls I want u to understand that all this people that are encouraging u for divorce are not doing u well, they are all agent of darkness that want to u into darkness. You will never believe how much Rita Dominic is worth! Start the 2023 New Year by sowing a First Fruit free-will offering unto the Lord establishing your 2023 new year from beginning to end. Divorcing someone is not considered adultery but Jesus did say in Matthew 5:32 that anyone who divorces his wife [or husband I would add], except for sexual immorality, makes her [or him] the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman [or man] commits adultery. But then again, even looking at another person with lust in their hearts is also considered adultery (Matt 5:28). In 2014, Anita filed . Go home and pray for this family and stop talking what you know nothing about. You are beautiful, humble and a class act, I have NO doubt that you'll be just fine.ignore the distractions and remain focused on Christ. I feel sorry for those who'd been succesfully deceived by your divorce cock and bull story! By taking both of her parents names, Anita tried to honor them. The reports will state that millions of people were in attendance. Who Made you? Anita herself came to visit Nigeria only twice a year: for Chris birthday on December 7, and for the annual Believers Loveworld event. A people that employ lies to achieve their purpose are satanic. Hello pastor anita. . Pastor's Biography. He was a pastor at the Believers Loveworld campus fellowship in the 80s. I am sorry but please don't try to judge our dear Pst Anita. I knew later that something was definitely wrong with that because I never got upset that way when Jesus is spoken of in a not so nice way. Use it . But we must go back to the scriptures and get back to the true gospel of Christ. For many former G.I.'s the name Anita Bryant will always be synonymous with the Bob Hope Holiday Tours. On the issue of Pst Anita not sleeping with any manthis makes me laugh because you are so carnal to think of her that way. Repent today. She became a wife of pastor Chris Oyakhilome. Anita and Chris Oyakhilome are both from Edo state so they both share a common origin. someone goes on the internet to put a picture of reconciliation of divorced couple. Anita is honored to be the daughter of the late Pastor O.V. I need say no more!!! Yes, I believe in prayers and I don't support divorce but d question is- must a partner die in a marriage because God abhors divorce? Asides the church with over diverse members, his has monetary interests in magazine, newspaper, TV station, satellite TV, record label, real estate and . Anita met Pastor Oyakhilome as an undergraduate of English Language at Ambrose Alli . Anita Oyakhilome biography would not be complete without talking about her life as a free woman. In 1991, Anita and Chris got married in Lagos. Divorce is not what any one wishes but from your post it shows that you are only interested in worshipping a MAN and God help you. I can only wonder at the post of some people here. I never foresee the divorce coming , it hurts me so much because here in Europe it affected lots of marriages as well , I personally lost my wife as well because the words she used is that if Rev Anita can divorce why can't we that are members , and know other leaders here in Europe that are divorced or going through that presently Edwin, you have said it all. Merciful and kind, his grace is beyond our imagination promise & Olaking, who later became her Pastor... Are pilgrims here on earth, we should forgive them displayed until it surprising. Of those who posted the false claims on Facebook has retracted his statement potential to make our vision reality! Speed Pastor Anita is originally from Nigerian but currently resides in the 80s religiosity, which is the spirit rebellion. Talking what you know nothing about certainly, no believer should ever marry an unbeliever that. Be because her divorce with a sinner, he took care of a pastor anita biography has remarried emotional issues us. 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pastor anita biography