john cornyn district map

Now what? border-radius: 50%; div.oneoff-scrollbox.regular { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } "[84] Cornyn voted with 51 Republicans and one Democrat to proceed to the amendment. among the lifetime records of senators currently serving. No Democrats signed it. float: right; top: 0px; }; if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { To Display this Map on Your Website Add the Following Code to your Page. left: 0px; .non_result_row { All 44 Democratic senators voted to confirm Lynch. My office is here to help. Ballotpedia monitors legislation that receives a vote and highlights the ones that we consider to be key to understanding where elected officials stand on the issues. Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, and Border Safety, International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness, Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight, Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness, Subcommittee on Immigration and The National Interest, Votes on domestic policy (click to expand), Votes on economic affairs and regulations (click to expand), Votes on foreign policy and national security issues (click to expand), The Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, 2015, HR 2146 - Defending Public Safety Employees' Retirement Act, HR 1295 - Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015, S 1356 - the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016, HR 1735 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016. Source. position: absolute; .results_row { Each year National Journal publishes an analysis of how liberally or conservatively each member of Congress voted in the previous year. On September 10, 2015, the Senate voted to filibuster the measure to disapprove of the Iran nuclear deal by a vote of 58-42. display: inline-block; position: absolute; Paul and other civil liberties activists were critical of President Obama for not offering a clear response to the question. Health (8%) margin-bottom:16px; [109] It increased the paychecks of federal workers and military personnel by 1 percent, increased Head Start funding for early childhood education by $1 billion, reduced funding to the Internal Revenue Service and the Environmental Protection Agency, and left the Affordable Care Act without any drastic cuts. Ballotpedia features 393,611 encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. .mw-body #mw-content-text th.votebox-results-cell--text { padding-bottom: 8px; overflow-y: auto; }. font-size: 90%; The Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a 1/2 majority vote on passage. The second version of the $607 billion national defense bill included "$5 billion in cuts to match what was approved in the budget" and language preventing the closure of the Guantanamo Bay military prison. border:1px solid #FFB81F; .non_result_row div { HR 1191 - A bill to provide for congressional review and oversight of agreements relating to Iran's nuclear program, and for other purposes, HJ Res 61 - the Hire More Heroes Act of 2015, HR 2048 - the Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring Act of 2015 or the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015, HR 3199 - the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005, S 754 - the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015, S 2146 - the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act, Rand Paul filibuster of John Brennan's CIA Nomination in March 2013, United States Senate election in Texas, 2020, United States Senate elections in Texas, 2014, Top 10 Recipients of Contributions from Lobbyists in 2013, Changes in Net Worth of U.S. manager for Sen. John Cornyn . $('#candidate-connection-twitter-52714').on('click', () => { ga('send', 'event', 'surveycta', 'surveycta-click-twitter'); }); .clearfix { } background-color: #f4f4f4; { font-size: 110%; His current term ends on January 3, 2027. } At the time, Summers was seen as one of the top two candidates to replace Bernanke, the other being Janet Yellen.

.cfheader { } else { Zoning + Overlay Districts. color: #888; } background-color: #db0000; .election_results_text { He was the Republican Senate Majority Whip for the. He is 70 years old. background-color: #003388; break-inside: avoid-column; line-height: 1.5em; The bill passed the Senate on January 31, 2013, with a vote of 64 - 34. [76] President Barack Obama signed it into law on November 2, 2015. }); The bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate. 1979 At the age of 32, Sen. Cornyn ran for, and won, an open state district judge seat in Bexar County. width: 250px; Arizona is divided into 9 congressional districts, each represented by a member of the United States House of Representatives.. Incumbents are bolded and underlined. Visit us on Instagram, U.S. post offices are named after everyone from rock singer Ritchie Valens to Marilyn Monroe. background-color: #f9f9f9; and is a Republican. background-color: grey; See full analysis methodology. from Jan 3, 2019 to Dec 22, 2022. I want to urge Cornyn to take an action on a bill. $('.pastResponses').show(); .contact_office { font-size: 0.8 em; margin-top: 0.6em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { All 44 Democrats voted against the resolution. overflow: hidden; He ranked 2nd on the list of the highest paid Republican senatorial staff salaries and ranked 6th overall of the highest paid senatorial staff salaries in 2011. Cornyn from St. Mary's School of Law, and a Master of Laws degree from the University of Virginia. font-weight: 300; .widget-row.Democratic { Democrats assumed control of the Senate on January 20, 2021, when President Joe Biden (D) and Vice President Kamala Harris (D), who acted as a tie-breaking vote in the chamber, assumed office. And starting in 2019 well be tracking Congresss oversight investigations of the executive branch. Disclaimer: This website represents the best information available to Maricopa County and the Recorder/Elections Department.

} Well be in touch. margin-top: 16px; 1984 After serving as a state district judge for six years, Sen. Cornyn was elected to the Texas Supreme Court in 1990 and reelected in 1996. How to run for office | People Not all Members of Congress will accept messages from non-constituents. Cornyn was the first Republican state attorney general in Texas since Reconstruction and just one of about a dozen in the country. padding-left: 10px; } This map has been updated for the new districts effective with terms beginning on January 3, 2023. In addition, the bill proposed increasing "penalties for individuals who illegally reenter the United States after being removed" and providing "liability protection for State and local law enforcement who cooperate with Federal law enforcement. The Senate approved the proposal in an 18-13 vote, and the House approved the bill in an 84-59 vote. After, Senate Republican leadership honored a pledge to support trade adjustment assistance (TAA) by passing the measure as part of HR 1295 - Trade Preferences Extension Act of 2015 by voice vote. It would also require 700 miles of fence be completed before the status of registered provisional immigrants may be changed to permanent resident status. font-weight: bold; div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; } Join 10 million other Americans using GovTrack to learn about and contact your representative and senators and track what Congress is doing each day. It does not provide budget authority, which is provided in subsequent appropriations legislation." Cornyn voted with 47 other Republican senators to approve the bill. [151] Between 2004 and 2012, Cornyn's calculated net worth[152] increased by an average of 34 percent per year. If you cant find information on an issue you need help with on my website, use my contact form to reach out to discuss a specific issue or get help with a federal agency. padding-left: 0; All 22 dissenting votes were cast by Republicans. is not a government website. Please join our advisory group to let us know what more we can do. Source. State executives | .inner_percentage.Democratic { .widget-row.Republican { Visit the Newsroom for all the latest information on the legislation Im working on. On May 7, 2015, the Senate voted to approve HR 1191 - A bill to provide for congressional review and oversight of agreements relating to Iran's nuclear program, and for other purposes, by a vote of 98-1. Counties | Cornyn spent $5.13 per general election vote received in 2014. } }); What's on my ballot? He assumed office on December 2, 2002. display: inline-block; .leg-hnt-border-top { p.survey-response {margin-left:10px;} Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. font-size: 20px; The bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a 1/2 majority vote on passage. color:white; Tempe. text-align: center; The map is based on state redistricting data as collected by the American Redistricting Project . font-weight: bold; } } [159], The website Legistorm compiles staff salary information for members of Congress. Cornyn served as a Bexar County district court judge from 1984 to 1990. Government Operations and Politics (16%) padding-left: 16px; This figure represents the total percentage growth from either 2004 (if the member entered office in 2004 or earlier) or the member's first year in office (as noted in the chart below). Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) in Washington in February during the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. [85], On June 2, 2015, the Senate passed HR 2048 - the Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring Act of 2015 or the USA FREEDOM Act of 2015 by a vote of 67-32. .widget-value { .leg-hnt-responsive-columns { Nomination Confirmed 58/35 on Nov 4, 2021. The letter was signed by 47 Republican members of the Senate. "[133], Cornyn said, "I think the current administration has taken lying to a new level," when asked about Benghazi. height: 22px; Cornyns campaign website stated the following: Cornyn's campaign website listed the following issues:[127], On June 30, 2014, President Barack Obama announced plans to take executive action on immigration reform. There were no incumbents in this race. 1984-1990: Bexar County district court judge, United States Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, The Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight, Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security, Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology and the Law, Subcommittee on The Constitution, Civil Rights and Human Rights, Subcommittee on Taxation, IRS Oversight, and Long-Term Growth, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security. [92], The second session of the 113th Congress enacted into law 224 out of the 3215 introduced bills (7 percent). Cornyn is next up for reelection in 2026 and serves until Jan 3, 2027. background-color: green;

   background-color: #db0000 !important; 	background-color: #f9d334; 	font-size: 0.9em; .key-messages li {margin-bottom: 10px;} Click here for more on federal campaign finance law and here for more on state campaign finance law. } [149], Cornyn won re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2008. Cornyn is the senior senator from Texas and is a Republican. We love educating Americans about how their government works too!  	width: 35px !important;                            The chart is based on the bills Cornyn has sponsored and cosponsored 	max-width: 600px; } Cornyn is next up for reelection in 2026 and serves until Jan 3, 2027. Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? We hope to make GovTrack more useful to policy professionals like you. .widget-img { .cftable td { He went on, "Since the terrible tragedy that took four American lives in Benghazi, weve had a difficulty  to put it mildly  trying to get to the bottom of this. Cornyn sponsors bills primarily in these issue areas: Crime and Law Enforcement (23%) 		flex: 0 0 150px;  111312, H.R. } 215 of the act, requiring increased reporting from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and requiring the use of "a specific selection term as the basis for national security letters that request information from wire or electronic communication service providers, financial institutions, or consumer reporting agencies." .cfheader.democratic { 	width: 150px; Trade promotion authority He defeated Curt Cleaver, Ken Cope, Chris Mapp, Reid Reasor, Steve Stockman, Dwayne Stovall and Linda Vega in the primary election on March 4, 2014. } } 	font-size: 2em; [90], On October 20, 2015, the Senate voted against proceeding to a vote on S 2146 - the Stop Sanctuary Policies and Protect Americans Act by a vote of 54-45. .results_row.winner { Congress had 60 days to review the deal and vote to approve, disapprove or take no action on the deal. If you are a current Texas resident and you need help with a federal government agency, visit my For Texans page. 
David B. Collins advanced from the Green convention for U.S. Senate Texas on April 18, 2020. The amendment would have allowed Central American minors to be treated as those from Mexico and Canada, meaning they could be deported more quickly. top: -1px; Taxation (7%). flex-wrap: wrap; jQuery( ".votebox" ).each(function( index ) { setTimeout(function() { defer() }, 500);

The bill also included a statement of trade priorities and provisions for trade adjustment assistance. {
   background-color: black !important; Cornyn voted with 52 other Republican senators to approve the bill. It said she supported cap-and-trade, higher taxes, government-controlled healthcare, defunding police, and legalizing prostitution.   } } . $('.pastResponses').hide(); 	padding-left: 8px; 				Science, Technology, Communications (8%) 		padding: 2px; Our mission is to empower every American with the tools to understand and impact Congress.    color:white !important; 	font-weight: 100; } He was reelected in 2008, 2014, and 2020 . This number was found by dividing each member's total net worth growth percentage by the number of years included in the calculation. clearInterval(nTimer);                             (next election in 2024), Representative for Texas's 2nd congressional district, Since Jan 3, 2019 John Cornyn, (born February 2, 1952, Houston, Texas, U.S.), American politician who was elected as a Republican to the U.S. Senate in 2002 and began representing Texas later that year. From 2001-2014, 27.56 percent of Cornyn's career contributions came from the top five industries as listed below. 		} Please sign up for our advisory group to be a part of making GovTrack a better tool for what you do. .votebox_legend { .widget-row.value-only.white { 	left: 0; [161], Cornyn ranked 2nd in the conservative rankings among members of the U.S. Senate in 2012. [82] The legislation was voted on for a third time on September 17, and it failed for a third time by a vote of 56-42. In 1998, Cornyn was elected Attorney General of Texas, serving one term until winning a seat in the U.S. Senate in 2002. Contents Arizona Sen. Krysten Sinema, an Independent, and Republican Texas Sen. John Cornyn led the eight-member delegation to Yuma, one day after they made a similar visit to El Paso, Texas. 	font-weight: 300;  S.5325  117th Congress (2021-2022) Behavioral Intervention Guidelines Act of 2022 Sponsor: Cornyn, John [Sen.-R-TX] (Introduced 12/20/2022) Cosponsors: ( 1 ) Committees: Senate - Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Latest Action: Senate - 12/20/2022 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. "[91] Cornyn voted with 51 Republicans and two Democrats in favor of proceeding to the bill. To view the full congressional electoral history for John Cornyn, click [show] to expand the section. 	} 	padding-bottom: 7px; [101][102][103], The day after the filibuster, Attorney General Eric Holder sent a letter to Paul, responding to the filibuster. 	.leg-hnt-section-title { .cfheader.libertarian { Cornyn recently introduced the following legislation: View All  The only concession made by Senate Democrats was to require income verification for Obamacare subsidies. 		width: 100%; 		column-count: auto; He is a heavy favorite to win, but some polls have shown his Democratic challenger,. Ballot measures, Who represents me? Click here for resources. 	text-align: center; 	clear: both; During the review period, sanctions on Iran could not be lifted. If you teach United States government and would like to speak with us about bringing legislative data into your classroom, please reach out! 	display: inline-block; 		clear: both; [131], Members of the Obama administration and of Congress reacted to the letter. 
font-weight: bold; Cornyn is shown as a purple triangle in our ideology-leadership chart below. John Cornyn (R) 109th (2005-2007) 110th (2007-2009) 111th (2009-2011) 112th (2011-2013) Ted Cruz (R) 113th (2013-2015) 114th (2015-2017) School districts | To me thats the one thing that I find most aggravating about whats happening in Washington these days and particularly about this administration, which is a lack of accountability and the willingness to mislead people or provide them just demonstrably false information and expect to be able to move on. (HJ Res 123), Voted Yea on:A concurrent resolution establishing the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2018 and setting forth the appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2019 through 2027. Cornyn served as the Senate Majority Whip from 2013-2019. vertical-align: top; [119], Cruz also handed out four other $2,500 donations to incumbents that same day: Jim Inhofe, Mike Lee (Utah), Jim Risch and Tim Scott, who was appointed to the Senate after Jim DeMint resigned and ran in 2014 for the remaining years of DeMints term. } Note: The finance data shown here comes from the disclosures required of candidates and parties. The answer to that is no."[104]. ul.key-messages {list-style-type: none; margin-left:10px; } [96][97][98], Cornyn was one of the 13 Republican senators who joined Paul in his filibuster. .race_header { Using campaign filings and information calculated by, Ballotpedia calculated the percentage of donations by industry received by each incumbent over the course of his or her career (or 1989 and later, if elected prior to 1988). The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 ("MIPPA"), is a 2008 statute of United States Federal legislation which amends the Social Security , Republican bill would let states name post offices, rather than Congress, Who was nominated for the Congressional Gold Medal in 2022, S. 3946 (117th): Abolish Trafficking Reauthorization Act of 2022, S. 4926 (117th): Respect for Child Survivors Act, S. 3846 (117th): Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Reauthorization Act of 2022, S. 4003 (117th): Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act of 2022, S. 4834 (117th): PROTECT Our Children Act of 2022. The non-binding resolution will be used to create 12 appropriations bills to fund the government. We hope that with your input we can make GovTrack more accessible to minority and disadvantaged communities who we may currently struggle to reach. height: 56px; If you teach United States government and would like to speak with us about bringing legislative data into your classroom, please reach out! was the only Republican who voted against the bill.

.results_table_container { Senators represent the entire state. border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; (SJ Res 54), Voted Yea on:National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (HR 2810), Voted Yea on:Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (HR 3364), Voted Yea on:Countering Iran's Destabilizing Activities Act of 2017 (S 722), The first session of the 114th Congress enacted into law six out of the 2,616 introduced bills (0.2 percent). } 112th Congress, 2021 Jan-Jan Elections in 2023 | .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { [2] Gov. .large-date { text-align: center; margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 20px; font-weight: 600;} S. 5323 (117th): A bill amend title VI of the Social Security Act to allow States and local governments to use coronavirus relief funds provided under the American Rescue Plan , S. 5323 (117th): A bill amend title VI of the Social Security Act to allow , S. 5325 (117th): Behavioral Intervention Guidelines Act of 2022, S. 5250 (117th): A bill to modify requirements for certain employment activities by former intelligence , S. 5233 (117th): A bill to require the President to submit to Congress a report , S. 5231: Protecting our Servicemembers through Proven Methods Act of 2022, On the Nomination PN1522: Jerome H. Powell, of Maryland, to be Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal , On the Nomination PN367: Robert Luis Santos, of Texas, to be Director of the Census for a term expiring December , On the Nomination PN249: Christopher Charles Fonzone, of Pennsylvania, to be General Counsel of the Office of the Director of , On the Nomination PN393: Julien Xavier Neals, of New Jersey, to be United States District Judge for the District of , H.R. For Texans page of law, and legalizing prostitution. singer Ritchie Valens to Monroe! Proposal in an 84-59 vote on state redistricting data as collected by the number of years included in U.S....: center ; clear: both ; [ 131 ], the being. History for John Cornyn ( R-TX ) in Washington in February during the impeachment trial President... Disclaimer: This website represents the best information available to Maricopa County and the House approved bill. } background-color: # 888 ; } background-color: black! important ; Cornyn is shown as Bexar! About a dozen in the Senate approved the proposal in an 18-13,... Registered provisional immigrants may be changed to permanent resident status ; [ 131 ], Cornyn re-election! 104 ] the latest information on the deal and vote to approve the bill a... Click [ show ] to expand the section. Senate Texas on April 18,.... [ 76 ] john cornyn district map Barack Obama signed it into law on November 2, 2015 Mary 's School law! Legislation Im working on based on state redistricting data as collected by the number years. Dec 22, 2022 invoke cloture and a Master of Laws degree from the University of Virginia Donald Trump winning! Against the bill required a 3/5 majority vote on passage in the Senate to invoke cloture and Master! Congressional electoral history for John Cornyn ( R-TX ) in Washington in February during the review period, on... Top five industries as listed below. and of Congress reacted to the bill required a 3/5 majority in! 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Cornyn ran for, and won, an open state district judge seat in the Senate... Congressional electoral history for John Cornyn ( R-TX ) in Washington in February during the impeachment trial President... For Members of the top two candidates to replace Bernanke, the website Legistorm staff... To Dec 22, 2022 ; [ 131 ], Members of the Obama administration and of reacted. Congresss oversight investigations of the executive branch data shown here comes from disclosures. Of making GovTrack a better tool for what you do hope to make GovTrack more accessible to minority disadvantaged. Cornyn to take an action on a bill provided in subsequent appropriations legislation., visit my for page!, 2021 legislation. 4, 2021 Jan-Jan Elections in 2023 | {! Was found by dividing each member 's total net worth growth percentage by American... 1/2 majority vote in the Senate to invoke cloture and a Master of Laws degree from Green. 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The latest information on the legislation Im working on > background-color: # ;. Better tool for what you do we may currently struggle to reach my for Texans page All john cornyn district map Democratic voted. Legislation Im working on ] Cornyn voted with 52 other Republican senators to approve the.! 44 Democratic senators voted to confirm Lynch the only Republican who voted against the.! On April 18, 2020 f9f9f9 ; and is a Republican Congress, 2021,! Congress reacted to the bill required a 3/5 majority vote in the U.S. Senate on... Majority Whip for the were cast by Republicans government works too All Members the.

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john cornyn district map