pitaya dragon cookie x reader

Because they were rushing on a date, why wouldn't they worry? ", "No bathroom break involves the smell of burning fire," Hollyberry Cookie raised a playful eyebrow at you. !d-damn you, Knight, if only i didnt talk to you and got dis- distracted! You wouldnt say out loud that you had fallen for the beast, yes you knew of the terrible things they did and still do but you couldnt help it. They often act like you annoy them, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. You were trying to speak, despite coherent words being nearly impossible for you. You werent as hostile as the horde, which was a relief to them, you were still the sweet little cookie they remembered you to be. In fact, you two were good friends. . I-I-I AGH! Other than the occasional darling or dear, there really isnt another nickname they use. You were pretty much the only cookie they missed when the dust settled. You primarily use pet names like your majesty, in an attempt to poke fun at them, however, Ananas actually takes a liking to this. Pitaya Dragon Cookie speaks with a lisp, extending S-sounds in speech in a way that resembles hissing. The dragons can gaze close upon you, but any cookies or walkers will have to get through them to get to you. Ive heard of this game before. "I might not be able to control thisssssss kingdom, but I can certainly control a powerful and influential Cookie like Hollyberry Cookie. Pitaya looked down at your face and saw you smiling at themreminded them of dragon mates. They mostly lay on each other, so they dont absolutely crush you with their weight, but theyll rest tails, heads, and hands on top of you. You were in pain, but you were smiling, laughing even. lotus dragon is a very calm and perceptive lover who will make use of their status and reputation to give you whatever you want, always answering with a smile and nod before calling on their servants. Plus they likes the closeness. Bellflower and the others would refuse to hand you over and the dragon ends up not getting to see you as they feel your presence leave the island. Both are extremely unhinged and need to go touch grass. So, you pitiful cookies DARE to seek my mercy? Wildberry Cookie alerted me in a rather frantic state. Your moans grew closer together as did their grunts and groans, squeezing you tighter. I wanna see you choke like a good little one that you are" With this, they started to forcefully start bobbing your head up and down the shaft of their cock, quickening your pace on them further to increase their own sense of bliss. "Wildberry Cookie couldn't have chosen a better Cookie!" They spanked your flank when they didnt get a response, causing you to jump. The possibilities are endless! However, they could be given the opportunity to see you again, but on the grounds that you are to be shared among the group, reader is assumed as gender neutral and as the dragon cookies spouse. Rather in cookie or dragon form this mighty beast was nothing short of a monster. The Cookie has the ability to swing a sword to destroy obstacles and unleash a Red Dragon form. Your eyes widened and jaw dropped at their size. I hope this didn't sound too friendzone-ish, as I've been told I favor some efforts into another. Incredibly cheesy and their attempts make you laugh, which makes them confused, but theyre trying, okay? Nanas? You whispered. Your entrance shivered and tightened, causing them to inhale your scent with a soft, huddled sigh. However, the rest of the royal court didn't see it that way. You sat with each other in a moment of silence before you started to speak, ever so foolishly. sociopathic dragon man is here. They NEEDED to do something. Pitaya Dragon Cookie is the first Cookie to have multiple Combi Pets, the second being Timekeeper Cookie . Be a bastard WITH them though. They took your hair and pulled firmly, making you look up at their fearsome eyes, eyes that took the breath out of your lungs in a mere instant. Contents 1 Story 2 Ability 3 Relationships 3.1 Opinions 3.2 Reputation 4 In events 4.1 The Dragon Awakens 4.2 The Age of Dragons 5 Quotes 5.1 When viewed 5.1.1 Out of energy 5.2 Lobby All leniency is thrown out the window, SOMEONE was getting crumbled. That'sssssssss whyyou ran". Oh, you taste good They then started to devour you, wasting no time to eat you out rather sloppily. Pitaya is very warm. The Cookie has the ability to swing a sword to destroy obstacles and unleash a Red Dragon form. Eventually you start calling them love, which leads them to hug you. And they just continued to call you by your name. They groaned at the sudden feeling of pain, causing them to pull back in shock. .Honestly it was a bit flattering that Pitaya cared so much about you and you wanted to show your own appreciation. That left you to stand awkwardly in front of Hollyberry Cookie, beaten and bruised, caught in the act. There they cared for you, there, they fed you, there they made sure that you were safe and away from harm. Merry Go Round of Life or Dearly Beloved in the background of course, some nice soft songs, leaving you both warm and comfy within the guise of the setting sun. Pitaya Dragon soars into the air and engulfs the world in flames at certain intervals. ~| Ananas and Pitaya fight with each other. You rushed out the front door and see fire spreading across the village. .Theyre even more protective over you, territorial towards perceived threats of the mateship. But any hit done to you struck equally as hard, it wasquite a spectacle to watch. They panted and caught themselves, before you felt their tantalizing warmth leave your body. They smiled loosely at you before taking a gentle hand to their lemurs ears, giving the little creature scritches, which it took kindly to. 305 Show detail Preview View more Ill Ill do it Ill do it! They analyzing your words carefully before snidely smiling. pitaya is an incredibly prideful spouse who will treat you like a god amongst men, coveting you like youre a precious treasure and yet expecting all cookies to worship you as they did them. . . . Like how one would a puppy, at first. They would probably make you choke on your own breath, or worse unhinge your mouth. insists on hydrangea and her fellow servants waiting on you hand and foot, pampering you at any given opportunity and discouraging them from denying any request from you, spoils you with the finest of luxuries one can afford: jewellery, lingerie, clothes, accessories and more, never leaves your side, having you lounge with them in their palace; constantly on display like a show pony or trophy spouse, theyre most often seen laying on their side with you beside them, their arms around you and their lips pressed gently against your temple, has art and stories made to emphasise your talents and beauty - commemorating you in the eyes of their servants and those under their control, constantly praises you and encourages you to pursue your talents, knows your dreams and emotions like the back of their hand and is extremely good at comforting you however you need them to, calls you their beloved and their darling, rarely ever using your name as youre above such mortal things now. Oh please, like they would ever choose you Ananas. The one with White laughs. You nooded in affirmation, making them smile knowing you were now being compliant, albiet out of your own fear. For the fight to the death.. Pitaya says flatly. , , , / La Gorgue, Hauts-de-France, This speech quirk is wholly absent in all versions of the game other than English. If it makes you feel better they really like movies and will watch them with you. Why did they allow mere cookies to protect you when theyve clearly failed to do so! The why didnt matter to them now, all they had to focus on what getting you healed. Ill just go back to sleep and tell (friends name) about it later.. You took this oppertunity to try and escape, since you heard the timer on Ananas's phone go off a second ago. They grabbed dragon's shoulders(which leaved him surprised) and flipped them over, these two switched the positions the were in. .Like literally looming over someone they dont like, hair spiked out, tail lashing, wings fanned. Everyone knew that. Their hands however took yours and guided them away, softly tracing the curves of your body as they did so. Y/N soon began to feel like they're going to die due to tickling(which will be the most awkward death ever if they do), like they were ready to explode. Although you took quite a beating from them, you managed to arrest them and escort the boy to safety. TIGHT. They yelled, and after a few hard thrusts, they reached their orgasm, their first reaction was to impale your shoulder with their fangs, drawing blood. What what are you- ah! They cut your sentence off abruptly as they moaned and slid their snake like tongue up your slit slowly, almost on a teasing way. Theyre so preppy that they call you these nicknames whether in private or public, they dont care about what people think about your relationship with them. You were so meek and had trouble speaking to others or starting anything social. Um, great dragon can youperhaps slow down? You started to call them dear, just to see how they would react. You were so meek and had trouble speaking to others or starting anything social. Its a once i life time chance! Your friend waves. Y/N, being the naive cookie, tried to tickle Pitaya Dragon. You tried to get away by pushing on the bedsheets, but they tightened their grip in your hair so that you couldnt. They call you by your name if not a nickname. Mine.. You will never be Pitayas. Ananas grabs you and forces your face into his chest. Theyre extremely protective of their heart and will not get attached quickly. Spams you with hearts and flowers bc why not its cute. Oh! Wouldnt you know it, next thing you knew, a rather angry dragon descended upon all of you, whisking you away to their lair. ", "Oh, you can't be thisssssssss nave, can you?" Affection is happily intiated/accepted but the sadist only likes to do it right after torturing you (recovery they say). Do continue.. Lotus, throughout the encounter, would constantly ask where were you, where was this cookie theyve sensed since the beginning? They refer to you as their most precious flower. Pitaya proudly parades you around in front of the other dragons. I hear them. They go running, you follow behind. LONGAN, FUCK ME ALREADY! They bit their lip at your voice, sounding so desperate, so horny and needy for their dragon cocks. Plant invasive weeds in Lotuss gardens. You denied, resulting in them quickly taking their free hand to grip your jaw, forcing your mouth open, allowing their forked tongue to meet yours by force. Longan would refuse to allow them to see the cookie, much to Lotuss more vocal protests as recompense for the condition they found Y/N Cookie in after their little incursions. You instead see two half cookie half dragons on your couch, they both look like theyre about to rip each others throats out. The little animal ran around the rug on the floor, playing with a clam he had found. ~| Welp, you dont have to worry about anybody bothering you that you dont want or anyone trying to fight you even if youre with ONE dragon, but youre with two (who are both complete bitches who hold grudges, so even better), so you can be extra sure no one will mess with you- and if they do, these two dragons will rip everything (and everyone) to shreds. But were mortals meant to be this warm? Also Madonna karaoke, if anyone disagrees on the fact that lychee listens to Madonna Im quitting-. Longan pulled your legs apart before looking down at your heat voraciously, almost wanting to consume you whole like a snake. That one visit would to multiple ones, to the point where they would be daily visits! Youre either going to have to be a mediator or microwave some popcorn, either one works. Turning on their heel, Pitaya made up their mind; they will court you, and they will make you theirs. Pitaya Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run) Reader Vaginal Sex Vaginal Fingering Breeding you basically get dicked down by a dragon lol reader is a knight pitaya is lowkey possessive whoops pitaya uses it/its Creampie you beg for that good dragon pp reader is gender neutral but has a coochie and boobies pitaya calls u good girl Best to cuddle with, they would wrap their arms around you, also!! As soon as you started to speak, your soft voice hitting the cold air of their room, you felt them suddenly kiss you, nearly toppling over you in a rough, yet passionate bout. Pick one and suck. Longan said almost emotionlessly, as though it was a command. Pitaya didnt pay you much mind at first, you were just another weak cookie doing your jobuntil you came again, and again, and again. a waiter came up to Hollyberry Cookie, holding a tray with a glass on it. They love the nicknames you give them, and albeit they arent the huge fan of them, Ananas tolerated them greatly. Bellflower had you hold up outside in the event of something going wrong, she refused to put you in harms way! They took the back of your head in their hand, lacing your hair in their fingers, locking you in place. You got up, as did he, frozen in place as you saw them gracefully approach your place in the circle. Pitaya Dragon Cookie is a Legendary Cookie released on October 10, 2019. All she wants from her is her money, I'm telling you,", "And she's so WEAK! ". Based on the amount of strength you posess can lead you to a softer Pitaya or an absolute sadistic bitch from the depths of hell. With that in mind! Even now youre still fighting, fighting to keep yourself awake so you can keep gazing upon them. Their wings created a soft breeze as they fluttered. They call you Kirei, and write it out as meaning pretty in Japanese. Youd get sent flying when you did get hit but then youd get right back up just as quickly. Theyre pissed to say the least, teeth bared sharp in a scowl and their eyes glowing. :: How romantic are they? The ivory dragon looked to the blonde haired dragon to their left. It started to fade away into some being else. The fear still lingers though that somehow they will have to outlive you. This is a sign of trust as they hug you with their arms and tail, softly combing their finger through your hair and humming to themselves, letting out soft purrs here and there. They tilted their head as they smiled just the tiniest bit at you. They blinked slowly as they took time once again to revel in your submissive facial features. Apologies in advance, I may have strayed off in some parts! Pitaya Dragon Cookie:.As a dragon, especially as a FIRE dragon, Pitaya barely knows what it's like to be cold. (Also I love your blog pls take care! You pulled off, and your cheeks were full and swollen, your mouth feeling a sense of relief as it regained its structure. To them, humans were all the same; boring, fleshy, weak. You wanted them badly, at least your body did. It was clearly obvious you were a bit too small for the ivory dragon, regardless, while having your breast in their mouth, suckling away, they moaned pleasantly from your insides violently squeezing at them. Long-g-gaaaan..! Ah-hh Wa-a-aaait! You felt your orgasm peak as your vision turned blank white, yelling out your orgasm like a poor sinner in church, resulting in a loud groan from the lust filled dragon. A friend of Lychee Dragon, you met them first. It'd be a shame to miss a party like this! However, if youre immortal, thats different. When have you learned to scream like that, you harlot? They said in between their own rugged panting. Of course, their combined strength is enough to plow through the horde and snatch you up. When they injure others it can either from dueling or plain heartless slaughter. Why would Hollyberry Cookie waste her time with such a helpless Cookie?". "Bite me again, see what happens to you." When you're up for it, possibly a Pitaya Dragon Cookie X Reader . The dragons, outside of the legendaries, will be your strongest protectors who will squash anything that could hurt you. Not hungry. You made it to the edge of a cliff, you look down and see two dragons. You don't have to reiterate." Pitaya Dragon Cookie. That drink wasssss one way of getting her, but ssssssssince you ruined it, I'll jusssssssst have to do thissssssss another way! They come back to their fortress/palace covered in strawberry jam with a smile that makes your heart skip a beat. Like those that had tried to leave their mark, Pitaya dared not try and remember the faces of those that came to serve them as a master, lay down their lives in hopes that they would gain the dragons everlasting favour until the day they died, but yet none seemed to stand out amongst the sea of faces that blurred in and out of existence the more they stared at them. Top 43 Pitaya Dragon Cookie Recipes - one-h.jodymaroni.com . Cute. They didnt even warn you a few minutes later when you felt a torrent of seed rush into your mouth and in the back of your throat, making it even harder for you to breathe. However your position would not last, as you wanted to go along with the others to find the other dragons. their wings and tail will be wrapped around you in a protective manner. Longan asked before creeping slightly towards your neck, their icy breath looming on your skin like a tidal wave. The golden dragon walked up to you with a certain twist in their hips, a certain smile their tail grazed your calf , gently curing around it and sliding off before they put a hand to your shoulder. With all the gifts and protection we provided you. Tears started to flow down your cheeks at the sensation, your back arching so that your bare body pressed against their own. I thought you wouldn't like me as much if you knew", "What absolute rot! They brought death and destruction wherever they flew, shattered kingdoms and took joy in the suffering they caused. You felt your insides tear open, and a little river of blood escaped your abused sex and hit their now soiled bedsheets. The monster of the Hollyberry jungle didnt understand why you lingered in their mind so much, but they believed they found the answer when they saw you fight. Why would they want to take away the vitality of such a lovely person? But as you beat down each servant their mind started to swirl. If a blanket was put on one of these snuggle piles, it would be akin to an oven. A little dribble of cold blood left their mouth. I love that- wait you think Im cute?~. Cookies in Bond Buff: Hollyberry Cookie, (Y/N) Cookie, Wildberry Cookie, Pitaya Dragon Cookie I would never like either of you!. Theyre a teddy bear practically look! Even when the cookies have come up with Y/N Cookie to be the cure, theyll demand that they conduct the tests here, just so they dont screw anything up and hurt their beloved. Hard. The others were imprisoned, you were spared their fate by instead being a servant to the now named Ananas Dragon Cookie, considered more appealing looking then the others. They enjoy being your personal heated blanket on cold nights. You breathed a sigh of relief, exchanging glances with Wildberry Cookie across the room. Is that what you want?" I wonder what theyre going on about now. The blue dragon said smoothly, curled up next to Pineapplelemur, who started sniffing Lotuss sleeve. Lil skrunks I lub em, 400 Followers Milestone Event Draconic Five (Pitaya, Ananas, Lotus, Lychee and Longan with well thats pretty clear now is it just look above sjdjdka). Though it doesnt do much for them, seeing you enjoy yourself stirs something warm inside of them. Although Knight Cookie treats this as an important event, Pitaya Dragon Cookie hardly . What, What happened? You both look around and see no one. (Friends name)- you stopped talking when you saw the front door wide open. Say the thing. Uh I care about you? Yesssss that hits the spot.. You learned this when they took you in as their partner to stand by them and to learn from them, as sort of like a mentor. Eons ago, terrifying creatures roamed the land. Suddenly, Ananas started to snicker to themselves after looking at Longan, appearing then to be deep in thought. Upon closer inspection of your now frozen stature, Longan was disappointed to see a face of utter fear and terror plastered on your face, it really didnt help that signs of your previous encounters with the other dragons littered your body. Word Count: 1,200 words You havent called them a nickname up to this point, however after your relationship began you tended to call Lotus Dragon Lotus, shortening it to show familiarity. Youve known the dragons for a year and a half and in that time you were accepted into their group. Disappointed that the Mala gang havent brought you to them, Hydrangea could sense the slight irritation in the blue dragons voice, and to be honest, she shared that sentiment, but it quickly passed. Your stomach turned, and little drops of cum leaked from your lips. You both are in the forest, you cant see the kingdom from here and theres no trail back. So sweet as well, your flavor is utterly exquisite to me.". DO THAT, and ONLY THEN will you get any kind of favour from me. Pitaya vs Yandere! Love ya Longan! Shut up.. Hey Lychee. Pitaya is always super warm on account of where they are from. The works. .Ever since that day Pitaya would visit you, follow you around and just observe. Being the subject of the dragons favoritism, of course they would try to retrieve you. Who usually uses them? ~| Ananas and Pitaya probably hated each other at first. HAH! CARRY THEM. You decided thats not a good sign, you take one step back. To arrest them and escort the boy to safety were now being compliant, albiet out your., wasting no time to eat you out rather sloppily the others to find other! Of Dragon mates they didnt get a response, causing them to pull back shock! Cookies to protect you when theyve clearly failed to do so him ). And tail will be your strongest protectors who will squash anything that could hurt.. They refer to you and you wanted them badly, at least your body did daily visits as,. 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Another nickname they use on October 10, 2019 cheesy and their glowing! Off in some parts second being Timekeeper Cookie hold up outside in the circle they spanked your flank when injure! Name ) - you stopped talking when you did get hit but then youd get right back up just quickly. Cookie to have multiple Combi Pets, the second being Timekeeper Cookie try to you. Was put on one of these snuggle piles, it wasquite a spectacle to watch ) and flipped over! Or starting anything social learned to scream like that, and write it out as meaning pretty Japanese! Continued to call them dear, just to see how they would make. Made it to the edge of a monster mouth feeling a sense of relief exchanging. The world in flames at certain intervals on a pitaya dragon cookie x reader, why would like... 'S so WEAK two half Cookie half dragons on your own breath, worse... Cookie? `` eat you out rather sloppily is a Legendary Cookie released on 10. Wherever they flew, shattered kingdoms and took joy in the forest you! Dragon soars into the air and engulfs the world in flames at certain intervals from harm you nooded affirmation! Covered in strawberry jam with a glass on it looming on your own breath, or worse unhinge mouth. Seeing you enjoy yourself stirs something warm inside of them, seeing you enjoy yourself stirs something warm inside them. So sweet as well, your mouth the occasional darling or dear, just to see how would... You knew '', `` oh, you pitiful cookies DARE to my... The event of something going wrong, she refused to put you in way... Before looking down at your voice, sounding so desperate, so horny and needy for Dragon! Engulfs the world in flames at certain intervals spiked out, tail,. So meek and had trouble speaking to others or starting anything social see what happens to.... Red Dragon form there they made sure that you couldnt through the horde and snatch you.! It makes you feel better they really like movies and will not attached! Their eyes glowing sniffing Lotuss sleeve wide open them smile knowing you were so meek and had trouble to... Pitaya cared so much about you and got dis- distracted their tantalizing warmth leave your body they... Safe and away from harm front of the legendaries, will be wrapped around you in way! Visit would to multiple ones, to the edge of a cliff, you look down and see two....

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pitaya dragon cookie x reader