phil donahue show transcripts

To make top crust: Pat out a single recipe, as given above, on a Pam-sprayed and waxed-paper-lined dinner plate. Phil Donahue Show Transcripts (Transcripts), 1981-1982 Scope and Contents The Lectures, Speeches, Interviews series primarily consists of material related to the many lectures, speeches, talks, and panel discussions which Watson has participated in throughout his career. Phil Donahue 00:23:04 - 00:23:16 (12 sec) I think they ought -- I think they ought to increase their defense spending a hundredfold and their economy will collapse just like ours has. ", Coauthors Lynette Triere and Richard Peacock ("Learning to Leave -- A Woman's Guide"), A show marking the 10th anniversary of Ms. magazine. His hugely popular show aired from 1967 to 1996, and Donahue won nine Daytime Emmy Awards (1977-80, 1982-83, 1985-86, and 1988) as outstanding host. In doubled plastic food bags, combine well: 3 cups self-rising flour, 1 tablespoon paprika, 2 envelopes Lipton Tomato Cup-a-Soup powder (see Index for my Cup-of-Thoup recipe), 2 packages Good Seasons Italian dressing mix powder and 1 teaspoon season salt. And I was to report back to him on the radio show the following Thursday. Bob Allison & his Ask Your Neighbor radio program, formerly on WWJ-Radio (Detroit, MI) and WEXL-Radio (Royal Oak, MI; 1340 AM). Donahue is joined by the cast of "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of The Desert", as well as the Family Research Institute's founder, Paul Cameron, and drag performer CoCo LaChin 0% 1x90 Episode 1 November 6, 1967 12:00 AM 44 mins 0% 13x01 Sammy Davis Jr. Gloria Pitzer (1982), There are still more thanks to be made, however, theyll have to wait for my next blog. The dough becomes difficult to work with as it cools and, then, it crumbles and breaks apart. Chicken recipe, as Ive given out in a previous blog post and, also, posted under the Recipes tab, on this website: July happens to be National Picnic Month, among other things. #6953: PHIL DONAHUE SHOW, THE. Happy Monday AND happy June to one and all! Mom said, of that whole experience, Sometimes we need to have something, lose it and get it back again, before we can really appreciate what we have.. Obamas the Sanctions Czar too! What a warm and generous soul. Thus, Im still feeling inspired to take up the challenge to write Moms biography, including a history of the copycat recipes movement. Youre so right about the insidious aggression of vulgar TV and now with cinema- (everything has to be super-) sized wide digital screens it is a horrendous assault. Its almost incredible that what started out to be merely the frosting on the cake, of my monthly newsletter, soon became the whole cake! Its unfortunate that the show ended its 29-year stretch (1967-1996) a few years later. Here is a copy of that Big Bucket In The Sky! It was a new show in which Carol, herself, had come to be involved. But, every success Mom had in writing usually had something to do with food and home, rather than dramatic sagas and love stories. Ten years later she was making regular appearances on radio cooking talk shows all around the country and selling hundreds of thousands of copies of the cookbooks into which she was periodically gathering these secret recipes, most famously her Better Cookery Cookbook: Secret Recipes for Famous Foods from Famous Places. Phil Donahue. On Reality Asserts Itself Mr. Donahue says we are a nation of laws, until we are scared. Therefore, I did not and continue to not support this administration. Those who arent familiar with any of Moms cookbooks would probably be wondering, here how is a cookbook creative writing? Cookbooks offering homemade versions of popular restaurant and brand-name foods are nothing new. Mom has written her story, about being the Recipe DetectiveTM and how it all began, in many of her self-published books. ABCs Home show began as a half-hour program in mid-January 1988. Because it bombards us with pleasurable and un-resistible stimuli, junk food offers an immediate comfort that ordinary food cannot a comfort that few of us can resist all the time. His story, For Gloria Pitzer, Unlocking the Secrets of Fast-Food Recipes is Easy: Just Fake and Bake, appeared in People Weeklys May 7, 1990 issue, on pages 81-82; including a couple of Moms recipes and the two photos of Mom, below, by Susan L. Tusa, but not Secret RecipesTM exact contact information. Scheduled topic: black families relocating from cities to the suburbs. | v3.2.0 Of course, as you brought up the lesser of two evils point, I can understand why women supported Obama over McCain and Romney (2012), especially after 8 yrs of George W. Bush. Phil Donahue Show Transcripts | Wellcome Collection Find thousands of books, manuscripts, visual materials and unpublished archives from our collections, many of them with free online access. Search for free, downloadable images taken from our library and museum collections, including paintings, illustrations, photos and more. Gloria Pitzer [My Cup Runneth Over and I Cant Find My Mop (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Dec. 1989, p. 58 & 59)]. Additionally, when I searched a similar term like secret restaurant recipes which is the title of Moms self-published cookbook from 1976 (first edition, also known as Book 1 in a series of 6) that I believe really kick-started the movement, in the first place; following Moms initial publishings of copycat recipes from famous restaurant dishes to fast food, junk food and grocery products Moms cookbook didnt come up until #183 of more than 1,000 results (once again, sorted by Featured). [Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018, p. 254)], [Thank you] for putting me in touch with some of the most responsive and enthusiastic listening audiences. Scheduled topic: some black women's expectations of black men. That, in itself, makes what Im doing with my blogs all worthwhile!Id like to personally thank everyone (as well as on behalf of Mom), for being such great friends, fans and supporters! And, to anyone else reading this, please contact me at or on Facebook (@TheRecipeDetective) with your memories of my mom! Originally, I worked with Bill Miller, whoseshow [called Contact] drew a good following. Some of the radio shows that I took part in were on-the-air at midnight, especially my favorite visits with KMOX in St. Louis and WGY in Schenectady. It was because of Bills interest in the nuns of St. Claire, an order in New York state, who baked a delicious cheesecake and sold it to raise money for the poor, that I was first asked to duplicate the recipeIt was a real challenge. While marketing may be a challenge for me, I dont think it was for Mom. Phil Donahue always was and always will be my favorite TV personality. The show had a 29-year run on national television that began in Dayton, Ohio, in 1967 and ended in New York City in 1996. AMY GOODMAN: Phil, you, after your legendary career, what, 29 years on The Phil Donahue Show, you came back and were acontinued to broadcast on MSNBC, prime-time slot, right before the invasion of Iraq. Those are the ones that made what she did all worthwhile! Transexual twins Marc and Mike Vittitow are the guests. Bill Miller left WGY and was soon replaced by Bob Cudmore, who had [previously] worked with me at a Pittsfield, MA station. What did she say to you, when she saw you? I cant believe its July already! It was July 7, 1981 when Mom FIRST appeared on The Phil Donahue Show. This is why economy-minded mothers serve cheaper, frozen fried chicken to their family in a carefully preserved Kentucky Fried Chicken bucket its the bucket, not the chicken (even less the herbs and spices), that provides the savor of this kind of eating. He brought me a tin of an assortment of his favorite cookies and, after tasting my version of his product, made me promise that I would never go into the cookie business! I loaned out Sugar Free Recipes (1987-88) book and am searching for a replacement as it is out of print. Heres a short video report on the top 5 broken promises of Obama: The Radicalization of Martin Luther King, Jr. + MLK: Where Do We Go From Here? Ghastly, blinding, visually distorting, fragmenting, violent and numbing. Taken as a whole, this cooking is to ordinary fare as scarlet-covered romances are to ordinary lifenormal caution cast aside for the pleasure of total surrender to the charming and surely not totally unscrupulous ravisher. 93 Results found for Phil Donahue. Here, suddenly, reality was replicating fantasy, her fantasy. RT is first rate. Besides being a compulsive liar he thinks hes also a warlord and wants to rule the world. A lot of people around us, were having their own backyard celebrations all weekend. But it is, and it works at least for a time. Today is Memorial Day a solace day, not a happy one. | Visit I will be on with Kathy for, at least, the first half-hour of the show. You guys rock! Pres. Last week, I shared Moms experiences and memories from the first time she appeared on the Phil Donahue Show, in July 1981. She also explains what we surely would always have wanted to know if we ever believed anyone would tell us: how to make Liptons instant cream of tomato soup, Eagle Brand condensed milk, General Foods Suisse Mocha instant coffeeand a host of other such familiars. He was on Donahues show quite often over the years talking about consumer issues mostly. Such as Todd Wilbur did to Mom in the late 1980s; and which I discussed in an earlier blog, Mother, May I? This triumph was built on the brilliant intuition that a lot of home cooks were tired of the recipes offered in most cookbooks and newspaper food pages. One of the rabbit holes I followed on Bings search results, led me to a copycat recipes term-search on Watch this 1992 interview of Dr. Duke on the Phil Donahue show and see if you don't agree with him 15 years later. In Canada they were actually quite advanced in their coverage of live parliamentary procedures in the late eighties, but youd never know it given the abject shambles that is currently palmed off as pursuing national interests. Its a joke. Of all the wire services and all of the hundreds of newspaper stories about us across the country in the past 14 years [1975-1989], since our fast food recipes have become popular, I can still honestly say that I prefer radio to it all. It opened many doors that would have otherwise been closed in her field, allowing her to let her light shine; and inspiring her light to keep shining. Another website that inspired me with Memorial Day food for thought is, where I found some great ideas and traditions to incorporate into our current commercialized celebrations that Memorial Day has come to encompass; as many Americans, myself included, have regarded this day to be the unofficial start of the summer vacation season. Thank you, Rosanne, for your messages and memories of my mom! The Democrats also had 22 blue dog Democrats to drag along. Certainly, Gloria Pitzer herself treats the sweet-talking blandishments of her seducers as gospel truth. I cant handle the commercials at all. Warren Piercewas one of my first radio friends with whom I would visit on the air regularly, giving out recipe secrets from the food industrywe found that the listeners responses to the famous make-at-home recipes prompted some very interesting challengesmy visits, on the radio, with Warren Pierce are still among my favorite experiences in my recipe investigations. [Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018, p. 54)], Bob Cudmore of WGY-Radio, Schenectady, NY [1980 to 1993 night time talk show host for Contact and to his predecessor Bill Miller! Now, this blogging venture has kind of fallen into my lap and steered me in this direction However, Im not making a living at it Not yet! After all, she was part of the public too! We discussed the secrets of the food industry with listeners by phone from our homes. On one of the very first pages of Moms last cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press, Jan. 2018), which I helped her to rewrite for the new digital generation from her favorite, self-published cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Better Cookery Cookbook (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; May 1983), is a thank you list, dedicated to some of the stations, talk shows and their hosts, spanning across the country from sea to shining sea; as they had, probably, contributed the most positive ripples to the growing success of Moms Secret RecipesTM, up to that time (1972-1982). In as much as I love to write, I hadnt done much creative writing for a couple decades. As a child, my mum watched his show every day and when it was scheduled after school hours, I also watched it. This is a day for respectful solace, set aside to remember and honor all of our veterans who have died, serving in our military. We were bogged down with an unexpected response. Ill keep searching. 133 days. Given the honorary title of Colonel by the state of Kentucky, for his contributions to its cuisine, he remains one of the most respected and recognized figures in the food industry. As far back as I can remember, my mom taught me that the best things in life arent necessarily tangible things! Just about the time we planned our move, the Phil Donahue Show called and invited us to appear on their program. Gloria Pitzer (May 1982) [*NOTE: That thrill continued to remain with Mom, for many more decades, until she passed away in January 2018.]. As such, the real reason we observe this holiday and the old traditions that were once practiced in honor of it have become lost. Now that Moms last cookbooks royalties are mine, I need to learn how to promote it, myself, (since Im not rich enough to pay someone else to do it, as in the solicitation I received in my email). Plus the content is so bad, usually its Fox News playing, that I cant be in the same room. Basically, the email tried to point out that writing and publishing are only minor steps in the whole book process compared to marketing; which, it proclaimed, is an authors biggest challenge because it involves so much more personal time and effort. I think it was because I had just tangled with Grit, the weekly newspaper in Pennsylvania, over giving credit to the Food editors teenage daughter for having developed a fish batter like Arthur Treachers, using club soda and pancake mix and received an apology on the back page of one of their issues, placing the item between an ad for corn and callous remover and waste cinchers. He has been married to Marlo Thomas since 21 May 1980. American media personality, writer, film producer, and the creator and host of The Phil Donahue Show: Nationality: American: Birth Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States: Birth Date: 21-Dec-35: Age as in 2022: 87 years old: Heights: 1.83 m: Heights in Feet: 6 feet and 0 inches: Heights in cm: 183 cm: Weight(s) 75 kg: Weight in Pound: The towns German heritage exudes from its many restaurants, hotels, breweries and quaint little shops that line the mile-plus length of the main street through town from Bronners Christmas Wonderland (which is all Christmas, all year) to the Frankenmuth Brewery! 41 & 65). But, fame was not all it was jacked-up to be; and, it was taking its toll on everyone! I may have inherited her loves for writing, art and creativity in general; but I think Im lacking in her many marketing talents! The episode that caused the most controversy and hysteria was titled "Transvestite Fashion Show" and featured Donahue wearing a dress. [ show graphic: "Advertise Your Product Here: 212-555-0189" ] [ dissolve back to "Donahue" ] Phil Donahue: I am more than a little proud.. to say we have been joined, from her home in Malibu, by my good friend, the beautiful and ageless Barbra Streisand. Mom was a guest in February 1988. I felt that more than ever, when I collaborated with Mom to rewrite her favorite cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Better Cookery Cookbook (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; May 1983), which consumed a couple years of my own life; let alone, the couple of years it took Mom to write the original version. It was exhausting! I feel for those who have been deceived by this man and his administration, however, if they were paying any amount of attention in the campaign of 2008, it shouldnt be that big of a surprise. Mom was the ORIGINAL Recipe DetectiveTM, the trailblazing pioneer who began the copycat recipes movement in the first place. We had just done a PM Magazine show with Detroit and had declined an invitation to appear in New York on Good Morning America, as well as declining an opportunity to have People Magazine interview us and I still wonder why in the world I said I would do the Donahue show! But, when she did in 1993, there were over five hundred thousand requests for a transcript more than any other in the history of the show.). He was previously married to Marge Cooney. Again, the Liar-In-Chief was silent. I was looking through rose-colored glasses at something that was just not meant to be. on Monday, December 21, 2015. Guest: author Theodore I. Rubin ("Reconciliations"). Sour! all hit the taste buds simultaneously and with overwhelming intensity. So, Gloria Pitzer assumed both the title and role of the Recipe Detective and set out to decode these foods at least to the point where she could replicate them in her own home kitchen. Thanks for watching and your comment, Coppertime, however, I highly disagree with your assessment of Pres. Donahue is joined by the cast of "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of The Desert", as well as the Family Research Institute's founder, Paul Cameron, and drag performer CoCo LaChin. Ive previously discussed this subject in a couple of my other blog entries as well. Hes been a hero of mine for 35 years. Some people did not include their self-addressed-stamped envelope. ], for whose listeners have become good friends over the many years of our radio visits with your wonderful audience[Thank you!] If youre new to here I am Laura Emerich and Gloria Pitzer, the ORIGINAL Secret Recipe Detective, is my mom. Twist the end of the bags tightly, creating an inflated balloon affect. Bake the crust, empty, for 10 minutes at 400-F; then, remove and, immediately, add your favorite sauce while its warm. It was a confusing mess! Thats changed as well. Keep up the good work, Lo. 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phil donahue show transcripts