importance of quantitative research in information and communication technology

This is necessary because if there is a trend in the series then the model cannot be stationary. As an example, Henseler et al. Often, such tests can be performed through structural equation modelling or moderated mediation models. Note, however, that a mis-calibrated scale could still give consistent (but inaccurate) results. With this research method, the researcher has control over the independent variable(s) and the random assignment of research participants to various treatment and non-treatment conditions (Boudreau et al., 2001). Cronbach, L. J., & Meehl, P. E. (1955). In such a situation you are in the worst possible scenario: you have poor internal validity but good statistical conclusion validity. Specifically, the objective is to classify a sample of entities (individuals or objects) into a smaller number of mutually exclusive groups based on the similarities among the entities (Hair et al., 2010). Organization Science, 22(4), 1105-1120. It also assumes that the standard deviation would be similar in the population. importance of quantitative research in information and communication technology. We have co-authored a set of updated guidelines for quantitative researchers for dealing with these issues (Mertens & Recker, 2020). Quantitative research is focused specifically on numerical information. Many great examples exist as templates that can guide the writing of QtPR papers. Fisher, R. A. Henseler, J., Dijkstra, T. K., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., Diamantopoulos, A., Straub, D. W., Ketchen, D. J., Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., & Calantone, R. J. One aspect of this debate focuses on supplementing p-value testing with additional analysis that extra the meaning of the effects of statistically significant results (Lin et al., 2013; Mohajeri et al., 2020; Sen et al., 2022). If you are interested in different procedural models for developing and assessing measures and measurements, you can read up on the following examples that report at some lengths about their development procedures: (Bailey & Pearson, 1983; Davis, 1989; Goodhue, 1998; Moore & Benbasat, 1991; Recker & Rosemann, 2010a). No faults in content or design should be attributed to any persons other than ourselves since we made all relevant decisions on these matters. More advanced statistical techniques are usually not favored, although of course, doing so is entirely possible (e.g., Gefen & Larsen, 2017). Flourishing for a brief period in the early 1900s, logical positivism, which argued that all natural laws could be reduced to the mathematics of logic, was one culmination of a deterministic positivism, but these ideas came out of a long tradition of thinking of the world as an objective reality best described by philosophical determinism. Guo, W., Straub, D. W., & Zhang, P. (2014). The goal is to explain to the readers what one did, but without emphasizing the fact that one did it. The researcher controls or manipulates an independent variable to measure its effect on one or more dependent variables. 103-117). Ways of thinking that follow Heisenberg are, therefore, post positivist because there is no longer a viable way of reasoning about reality that has in it the concept of perfect measures of underlying states and prediction at the 100% level. Surveys, polls, statistical analysis software and weather thermometers are all examples of instruments used to collect and measure quantitative data. We note that these are our own, short-handed descriptions of views that have been, and continue to be, debated at length in ongoing philosophy of science discourses. (2000). They are stochastic. In scientific, quantitative research, we have several ways to assess interrater reliability. Collect and process your data using one or more of the methods below. Our knowledge about research starts from here because it will lead us to the path of changing the world. Another debate concerns alternative models for reasoning about causality (Pearl, 2009; Antonakis et al., 2010; Bollen & Pearl, 2013) based on a growing recognition that causality itself is a socially constructed term and many statistical approaches to testing causality are imbued with one particular philosophical perspective toward causality. Creating model over findings ie. The treatment in an experiment is thus how an independent variable is operationalized. Crossover Designs in Software Engineering Experiments: Benefits and Perils. If items load appropriately high (viz., above 0.7), we assume that they reflect the theoretical constructs. Induction and introspection are important, but only as a highway toward creating a scientific theory. Several detailed step-by-step guides exist for running SEM analysis (e.g., Gefen, 2019; Ringle et al., 2012; Mertens et al., 2017; Henseler et al., 2015). MIS Quarterly, 12(2), 259-274. Harper and Row. An Updated Guideline for Assessing Discriminant Validity. Morgan, S. L., & Winship, C. (2014). They may well be. Grand Canyon University offers a wide variety of quantitative doctoral degrees to help you get started in your field. Garcia-Prez, M. A. A p-value also is not an indication favoring a given or some alternative hypothesis (Szucs & Ioannidis, 2017). It differs from construct validity, in that it focuses on alternative explanations of the strength of links between constructs whereas construct validity focuses on the measurement of individual constructs. For example, the computer sciences also have an extensive tradition in discussing QtPR notions, such as threats to validity. (1971). I always thought of them as easily updatable online CVs. A normal distribution is probably the most important type of distribution in behavioral sciences and is the underlying assumption of many of the statistical techniques discussed here. It allows you to gain reliable, objective insights from data and clearly understand trends and patterns. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of dynamic software on prospective mathematics teachers' perception levels regarding information and communication technology (ICT). Validating Instruments in MIS Research. The Presence of Something or the Absence of Nothing: Increasing Theoretical Precision in Management Research. Philosophically, what we are doing, is to project from the sample to the population it supposedly came from. Recall that measurement is, arguably, the most important thing that a QtPR scholar can do to ensure that the results of their study can be trusted. Develop skills in quantitative data collection and working with statistical formulas, Produce results and findings using quantitative analysis. Quantitative research produces objective data that can be clearly communicated through statistics and numbers. We intend to provide basic information about the methods and techniques associated with QtPR and to offer the visitor references to other useful resources and to seminal works. SEM has become increasingly popular amongst researchers for purposes such as measurement validation and the testing of linkages between constructs. It is also important to recognize, there are many useful and important additions to the content of this online resource in terms of QtPR processes and challenges available outside of the IS field. The most common test is through Cronbachs (1951) alpha, however, this test is not without problems. And, yet both uncertainty (e.g., about true population parameters) and assumed probabilities (pre-existent correlations between any set of variables) are at the core of NHST as it is applied in the social sciences especially when used in single research designs, such as one field study or one experiment (Falk & Greenbaum, 1995). ), Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge (pp. 2020). (2005). Malignant Side Effects of Null-hypothesis Significance Testing. Diamantopoulos, A. In a quantitative degree program, you will learn how to: Interested in becoming a quantitative researcher? The original online resource that was previously maintained by Detmar Straub, David Gefen, and Marie-Claude Boudreau remains citable as a book chapter: Straub, D.W., Gefen, D., & Boudreau, M-C. (2005). Other management variables are listed on a wiki page. If objects A and B are judged by respondents as being the most similar compared with all other possible pairs of objects, multidimensional scaling techniques will position objects A and B in such a way that the distance between them in the multidimensional space is smaller than the distance between any other two pairs of objects. Cluster analysis is an analytical technique for developing meaningful sub-groups of individuals or objects. Quantitative research yields objective data that can be easily communicated through statistics and numbers. One of the most prominent current examples is certainly the set of Bayesian approaches to data analysis (Evermann & Tate, 2014; Gelman et al., 2013; Masson, 2011). * Explain briefly the importance or contribution of . Hedges, L. V., & Olkin, I. Obtaining such a standard might be hard at times in experiments but even more so in other forms of QtPR research; however, researchers should at least acknowledge it as a limitation if they do not actually test it, by using, for example, a Kolmogorov-Smirnoff test of the normality of the data or an Anderson-Darling test (Corder & Foreman, 2014). Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Emory, W. C. (1980). Revisiting Bias Due to Construct Misspecification: Different Results from Considering Coefficients in Standardized Form. Cook, T. D. and D. T. Campbell (1979). Can you rule out other reasons for why the independent and dependent variables in your study are or are not related? Within each type of QtPR research approach design, many choices are available for data collection and analysis. 443-507). Szucs, D., & Ioannidis, J. P. A. (2020). Doll, W. J., & Torkzadeh, G. (1988). Starting at the Beginning: An Introduction to Coefficient Alpha and Internal Consistency. For example, there is a longstanding debate about the relative merits and limitations of different approaches to structural equation modelling (Goodhue et al., 2007, 2012; Hair et al., 2011; Marcoulides & Saunders, 2006; Ringle et al., 2012), which also results in many updates to available guidelines for their application. John Wiley & Sons. As for the comprehensibility of the data, the best choice is the Redinger algorithm with its sensitivity metric for determining how closely the text matches the simplest English word and sentence structure patterns.. QtPR researchers historically assumed that reality is objectively given and can be discovered by a researcher and described by measurable properties independent of the observer (researcher) and their instruments. Alpha levels in medicine are generally lower (and the beta level set higher) since the implications of Type I or Type II errors can be severe given that we are talking about human health. Our development and assessment of measures and measurements (Section 5) is another simple reflection of this line of thought. Assessing measure and measurement validity is the critical first step in QtPR. This rising ubiquity of ICT has meant that we must monitor its role in education. One form of randomization (random assignment) relates to the use of treatments or manipulations (in experiments, most often) and is therefore an aspect of internal validity (Trochim et al., 2016). However, in 1927, German scientist Werner Heisenberg struck down this kind of thinking with his discovery of the uncertainty principle. Popular data collection techniques for QtPR include: secondary data sources, observation, objective tests, interviews, experimental tasks, questionnaires and surveys, or q-sorting. The issue at hand is that when we draw a sample there is variance associated with drawing the sample in addition to the variance that there is in the population or populations of interest. For this reason, they argue for a critical-realist perspective, positing that causal relationships cannot be perceived with total accuracy by our imperfect sensory and intellective capacities (p. 29). Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference (2nd ed.). Goodhue, D. L., Lewis, W., & Thompson, R. L. (2007). Davis, F. D. (1989). An issue of shared meaning could occur if, for instance, you are attempting to measure compassion. How do you know that you are measuring compassion and not, say, empathy, which is a socially constructed concept that to many has a similar meaning? But even more so, in an world of big data, p-value testing alone and in a traditional sense is becoming less meaningful because large samples can rule out even the small likelihood of either Type I or Type II errors (Guo et al., 2014). This step concerns the. Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 22(2), 3-30. QtPR scholars sometime wonder why the thresholds for protection against Type I and Type II errors are so divergent. Written for communication students, Quantitative Research in Communication provides practical, user-friendly coverage of how to use statistics, how to interpret SPSS printouts, how to write results, and how to assess whether the assumptions of various procedures have been met . The purpose of quantitative research is to attain greater knowledge and understanding of the social world. LISREL permits both confirmatory factor analysis and the analysis of path models with multiple sets of data in a simultaneous analysis. Promoting an Open Research Culture. MIS Quarterly, 40(3), 529-551. The survey instrument is preferable in research contexts when the central questions of interest about the phenomena are what is happening and how and why is it happening? and when control of the independent and dependent variables is not feasible or desired. Several threats are associated with the use of NHST in QtPR. Experimentation in Software Engineering: An Introduction. With the caveat offered above that in scholarly praxis, null hypotheses are tested today only in certain disciplines, the underlying testing principles of NHST remain the dominant statistical approach in science today (Gigerenzer, 2004). (2013). Interpretive researchers generally attempt to understand phenomena through the meanings that people assign to them. The moving average part adds a linear combination of the error terms of the previous observations. The ability to explain any observation as an apparent verification of psychoanalysis is no proof of the theory because it can never be proven wrong to those who believe in it. Thus, the results are not sufficient to establish the causes of the patterns and trends discovered. (1985). 0. #Carryonlearning Advertisement Covariates need to be at least interval data and will help to partial out the variance and strengthen main effects. Traditionally, QtPR has been dominant in this second genre, theory-evaluation, although there are many applications of QtPR for theory-generation as well (e.g., Im & Wang, 2007; Evermann & Tate, 2011). This methodological discussion is an important one and affects all QtPR researchers in their efforts. In fact, IT is really about innovation. Common Beliefs and Reality About PLS: Comments on Rnkk and Evermann (2013). Quantitative research is structured around the scientific method. CT Bauer College of Business, University of Houston, USA, 15, 1-16. The resulting perceptual maps show the relative positioning of all objects, but additional analysis is needed to assess which attributes predict the position of each object (Hair et al., 2010). The comparisons are numerically based. NHST logic is incomplete. Greene, W. H. (2012). Most likely, researchers will receive different answers from different persons (and perhaps even different answers from the same person if asked repeatedly). If you are interested in different procedural models for developing and assessing measures and measurements, you can read up on the following examples that report at some lengths about their development procedures: (Bailey & Pearson, 1983; Davis, 1989; Goodhue, 1998; Moore & Benbasat, 1991; Recker & Rosemann, 2010; Bagozzi, 2011). Information Systems Research, 24(4), 906-917. It needs to be noted that positing null hypotheses of no effect remains a convention in some disciplines; but generally speaking, QtPR practice favors stipulating certain directional effects and certain signs, expressed in hypotheses (Edwards & Berry, 2010). The final stage is validation, which is concerned with obtaining statistical evidence for reliability and validity of the measures and measurements. Evaluating Structural Equations with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error. This task can be fulfilled by performing any field-study QtPR method (such as a survey or experiment) that provides a sufficiently large number of responses from the target population of the respective study. But the effective labelling of the construct itself can go a long way toward making theoretical models more intuitively appealing. The purpose of quantitative research is to attain greater knowledge and understanding of the social world. Findings can be generalized if your selection process is well designed and the test sample is an appropriate representation of the population being studied. Most experimental and quasi-experimental studies use some form of between-groups analysis of variance such as ANOVA, repeated measures, or MANCOVA. Nonparametric Statistics for Non-Statisticians: A Step-by-Step Approach (2nd ed.). It is by no means optional. Many studies have pointed out the measurement validation flaws in published research, see, for example (Boudreau et al., 2001). For example, using a survey instrument for data collection does not allow for the same type of control over independent variables as a lab or field experiment. A scientific theory, in contrast to psychoanalysis, is one that can be empirically falsified. Converting active voice [this is what it is called when the subject of the sentence highlights the actor(s)] to passive voice is a trivial exercise. Quantitative research is often performed by professionals in the social science disciplines, including sociology, psychology, public health and politics. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 24, doi:10.3127/ajis.v24i0.2045. Pursuing Failure. They have become more popular (and more feasible) in information systems research over recent years. Simply put, QtPR focus on how you can do research with an emphasis on quantitative data collected as scientific evidence. The ASAs Statement on P-values: Context, Process, and Purpose. Alternative proposals essentially focus on abandoning the notion that generalizing to the population is the key concern in hypothesis testing (Guo et al., 2014; Kline, 2013) and instead moving from generalizability to explanatory power, for example, by relying on correlations to determine what effect sizes are reasonable in different research settings. Scholars argue that we are living in a technological age. Straub, Gefen, and Boudreau (2004) describe the ins and outs for assessing instrumentation validity. Importance of ICT in Developing Economies The spread of ICT technologies over the world has been dramatic in the past years, spearheading development all over the world. Studying something so connected to emotions may seem a challenging task, but don't worry: there is a lot of perfectly credible data you can use in your research paper if only you choose the right topic. Another way to extend external validity within a research study is to randomly vary treatment levels. Researchers use quantitative methods to observe situations or events that affect people.1Quantitative research produces objective data that can be clearly communicated through statistics and numbers. Senate Budget Amendments 3-25-2015. The typical way to set treatment levels would be a very short delay, a moderate delay and a long delay. A Guide To Becoming a Medical and Health Services Manager, 3300 West Camelback Road - Phoenix, AZ 85017, Criminal Justice, Government & Public Administration, Key Elements of a Research Proposal Quantitative Design, 15 Reasons To Choose Quantitative Over Qualitative Research. This methodological discussion is an important one and affects all QtPR researchers in their efforts. Business Research Methods. Sage. Most QtPR research involving survey data is analyzed using multivariate analysis methods, in particular structural equation modelling (SEM) through either covariance-based or component-based methods. A dimensionality-reduction method that is often used to transform a large set of variables into a smaller one of uncorrelated or orthogonal new variables (known as the principal components) that still contains most of the information in the large set. Information Systems Research, 2(3), 192-222. Sometimes there is no alternative to secondary sources, for example, census reports and industry statistics. This is why p-values are not reliably about effect size. The alpha protection levels are often set at .05 or lower, meaning that the researcher has at most only a 5% risk of being wrong and subject to a Type I error. It is also a good method to use when your audience is more receptive to results in the form of facts, graphs, charts and statistics. Its primary disadvantage is often a lack of ecological validity because the desire to isolate and control variables typically comes at the expense of realism of the setting. Koronadal City: Department of Education . The world is experiencing a digital revolution and the Philippines have the opportunity to play an enormous role in it. The most direct application is in new product or service development, allowing for the evaluation of the complex products while maintaining a realistic decision context for the respondent (Hair et al., 2010). With canonical analysis the objective is to correlate simultaneously several metric dependent variables and several metric independent variables. The researcher analyses the data with the help of statistics. Also known as a Joint Normal Distribution and as a Multivariate Normal Distribution, occurs when every polynomial combination of items itself has a Normal Distribution. Houston, USA, 15, 1-16 with these issues ( Mertens & Recker 2020. Popular ( and more feasible ) in information Systems, 24 ( )... Discussing QtPR notions, such as measurement validation and the Growth of knowledge (.. Are attempting to measure its effect on one or more of the social world (. Terms of the independent and dependent variables in your study are or are not reliably about effect size P-values Context. Causality: models, Reasoning, and Boudreau ( 2004 ) describe the ins and outs assessing! Thresholds for protection against Type importance of quantitative research in information and communication technology and Type II errors are so.! Role in education Gefen, and Inference ( 2nd ed. ) the standard deviation would a... Ioannidis, J. P. a variance such as measurement validation flaws in published research, have. 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importance of quantitative research in information and communication technology