advantages of traditional marriage in africa

ConsumerProtection With a rich and diverse culture African culture is known to change from county to county, many cultures along with traditions are found in Africa which makes Africa diverse, unique and mesmerizing in many ways to the world. Next is the Nikah, the vows ceremony; after which the bride's family invites the groom to a luncheon called the Walima. Civil marriage. 1997 To understand various form of marriages among the Kenyan societies and specifically the Akamba, we shall look at length the systems of marriages that existed. Church Today These items show evidence of ownership and when accepted by brides father or his representative evidence transfer authority of ownership of the bride from the father to the husband. The Igbos take the wedding traditions series and the wedding is a celebration for everyone in the town. Gender Roles In traditional marriages the division of responsibilities was clearly designated by gender. It is an indication that the man is serious about marriage When a man proposes to a lady and equally informs the parents of the lady, it is assumed to be mere information until the man takes the bold step by formally paying the bride price. The payment of bride price is supported by the bible and practiced by the Israelite and other selected tribes. In traditional African societies, bride-wealth was related to goods and services that a bridegroom and his kinsmen transferred to the family of the bride. It is a cultural practice which makes for stronger family relationships, and do help with arranging conflicts when they arise in marriage. The brides father welcomes his guest and then asks the bride if she agrees with the proposal. These three ceremonies involve fortune and time. Roy M,M. Answer: Modern attitudes tend to emphasize ideas of equality much more than they did in the past. African and Chinese cultures both have very intriguing ways of how they proceed with their ceremony. We should be reminded that we have it as our responsibility not only to uphold our tradition but also pass it to future generation. I paid my toll more than twenty years ago. The amount usually paid differs from one country to the other and from one tribe to the other. Thus, for Africans, marriage is a matter . Love, economic status, religious beliefs, political views, and social acceptance are just a few reasons individuals marry across differing cultures., In the tribal villages of eastern Africa the Maasai marriages are arranged by the elders without ever first consulting the bride or the mother of the bride to be. 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He can be reached via telephone on +2347053925751, Visit his website at [], Article Source: As a matter of fact, before any Church wedding commences in African or of African descent the clergy would ascertain that traditional rites had been fulfilled. [104]See ch 38 for questions of constitutionality and Federal/State responsibility for the recommendations in this Report. pp. Marriage is also seen as means of expanding kinship ties, as a marriage takes place between two families not just between a man and a woman who are in love as is the case in the western world today. All Rights Reserved. Even if they object, by virtue of beings parents, they must be duly and respectfully informed. Marriage is sacred in Africa and beyond; because it solidifies relationships that enrich communities and nations by bringing forth. It was love that guided these relationships. God Likewise, a woman without a proper husband is referred to as a mukoma nthi, one who sleeps on the floor, a person of no fixed abode. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. Similar to some traditional American marriages the Igbo marriages have many customs and face new trends that alter the norm of society. When they were not doing that, they were allowed to spend their time drinking beer or socializing. Study for free with our range of university lectures! The Akamba practiced woman-to-woman marriage (Gynegamy) known as Iweto All ceremonial aspects of this marriage were observed, bride-wealth was paid to the girls father, and all rules of divorce applicable in the Akamba community were adhered to. It is an African custom Traditionally speaking, the payment of a bride price whenever marriages are contracted in African societies has long been recognized in its entirety. Submitted On February 24, 2011. Answers (1). The wedding climaxes as the groom picks up his wife. If the decision is made to get married, South Africans may be married under two types of antenuptial contracts (also known as an ANC), explains Cronje: With the accrual system, both spouses have separate assets and do not share in each others recorded profits or losses from before the marriage. After the ceremony, the grooms family plasters the bride in butterfat ointment, marking her acceptance into the family. This indicates that marriage involves the union of a man and a woman with the aim of becoming husband and wife. Lords Supper Uganda Martyrs Registered office: Creative Tower, Fujairah, PO Box 4422, UAE. June 2019 After various celebrations and ceremonies, the wedding is still not complete up until the wife has birthed two children. List FIVE occasions when Jesus appeared to his disciples after resurrection. Prophet Moses SACRIFICE PARABLES - Polygamy was a show of wealth. The women had their own well organized religion called Kathambi. 7 Interesting Things That Happen During Traditional Marriages In Nigeria, Hausa Weddings: All You Need To Know About This Traditional Nuptial, Marriage Is Hard Michelle Obama Drops Secrets, We use cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Jesus Death All they need is marriage blessings. May 2019 In this setting the families and relations of both couples gather in the brides family compound to celebrate their daughter and son entering into a marriage covenant and institution. Easter Without them, Africans are left without moral guidelines or motivation, and society is powerless to enforce ethics. Thank you for helping us share and record the significance of who we are. In the case of re-marriage, the new husband was obliged to refund the entire dowry paid to the former husband. CRE PAPER 2 QUESTIONS Give five reason why courtship was as important aspect of traditional African marriage. Prophet Jeremiah both the colonial and post5colonial governments saw the advantages of such a system and the various structures of dispute settlements were retained, although they has de5 veloped quite considerably over the years.384 currently, the administration of justice in rural south africa is pre5 dominantly carried out by traditional courts manned by Some English bibles record this ceremony as wedding because wedding is purely European concept and tradition. When the laws brought about in the Marriage Green Book are passed, then more women will be able to . She is given the task to find her groom in a crowd of guests while she greets them. (Nafisa Baxamusa, 2011), In the essay The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love, Stephanie Coontz discusses the change marriage has made among the different cultures around the world and how it went from being an act that was necessary to something that was done for personal joy and fulfillment., To this day, these types of marriages happen all over the world, arranged marriages make up vastly the higher percentage in human history (Isaac). The enquiries are very important as to ascertain the suitability of the relationship. It was the marriage ceremony that attracted people to the place. However, woman to woman marriages of Ukambbani are not same with lesbianism. Among the Akamba, a virgin bride brought shame to her family; her virginity was an indication of ill preparation before marriage, therefore young women were ritually deflowered by elder men from whom they received sexual teachings. It shows the man is capable It is generally assumed the payment of the bride price is a sign of the capability of the man who is coming for the hand of the lady. Introduction to Customary Marriage in South Africa Customary marriage is a recognized form of marriage in South Africa that is governed by the customs, practices, and traditions of the couple's culture or community. Got a parenting concern? In some African Churches, couples that had performed their traditional marriage rites and live together without wedding are misconstrued fornicators. Many African communities believe marriage is primarily about procreation and providing for children as this is seen as the foundation of society. Anyone can have a wedding but only God can create a marriage. - Many children provided abundant labour - It acted as a marriage security to a husband e.g death of one of the women. It is considered a cultural universal, [citation needed] but the definition of marriage varies between cultures and religions, and over time. Deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, entrenched cultural beliefs and poverty drive the harmful practice. Competition & Antitrust Law Before a girl was identified to be a ghost wife, there had to be evidence that she had already produced a son. I pray African Christians to re-examine most European concept we give prime place while undermining our rich traditional culture. Dashboard Samuel If an Akamba man died before marriage, the father arranged to obtain a wife (Mulewa) for the dead son. Advantages of marriage based on love. In the final analysis what this system did was to reduce exceedingly the number of divorce cases. This is where the suitor either devoted his services for a period of time to the parents of the maiden he wished to marry, he would offer to hunt for them or even assisting to make canoes, or, When Africans were brought to America during slavery they were forced to give up most of their heritage and were usually separated from their families. This appears a misconception. If your specific country is not listed, please select the UK version of the site, as this is best suited to international visitors. From this point onwards, everything accumulated after the marriage will also form part of this joint estate, including any debts and liabilities. Marriage is an important step in the life of every human on earth. Another advantage is that African fathers gain sons from their daughters which may increase the families' wealth. Even though liberated in Christ, the battered syndrome of colonization is still within us. Woman-to-woman marriage involves the following persons: 1) the female husband . A last type of proposal or demand in marriage was a purchase contract. India is one of the largest centers where child marriages take place. Rich Akamba women accumulated wives to gain prestige and wealth in the same way men do through polygamy. It involves way more than falling in love and wearing a wedding band; along with promises of staying with your spouse for life. Little wonder Mary felt so concerned when the marriage ran out of wine. The Akamba married woman was more or less the head of the family in the long run, since the husband had little control over her in the day to day management. It is a practice which has long been accepted by clan heads and traditional rulers alike. Explain in detail why a Christian should work. Read articles or ask away and get instant answers on our app. It takes faith that requires belief in miracle to pledge ones life to another. Paralytic Some Church parents of the brides stipulate the three, as if that guaranteed the success of the relationship. November 2022 After the grooms family hands over the money and other prerequisites to the brides family, the wedding day is planned. Nights before the wedding, there are a lot of dance parties, a good warmup for the ceremony, or the Ama Shikulo, an official merging of the two families where people go up and give advice and best wishes to the couple. January 2020 Its an honor due to them that recycles to the couple when they become parent. Throughout will be a comparison of traditional Chinese beliefs. May 2022 PAN-AFRICANISM Among the Akamba, a woman could be married to a man who was long dead and such a woman was called Mulewa ghost wife. Athough the ghost wife never met her husband, she knew he once lived and continued to live as a spirit. Beating the suitor. Reasons why courtship was important in Traditional African Marriage It helps in identification of suitable marriage partners The two families involved in marriage negotiations ( of the boy and girl) established relationship/ familiarization The boy and girl had the opportunity to learn one another and their families (2004), Akamba Marriage Customs. But this is only to work on wardrobe and have her dressed in a pure leather headdress called an okori. Thus, the importance of traditional marriage in Africa cannot be overemphasized. Makwande namaSiko Esintu My favourite part of our marriages is that we marry the same person more than once. This marriage involved one woman marrying another woman, thus assuming control over her and her offspring. Mueni, E. (2010) Personal interview (0726 43-0331), Terry, M. (2010) Personal Interview (0721- 738524). Makwande kuwe Ndlovu . Some people are only excited with Jesus first public miracle- the turning of water into wine and may not see the main miracle in the passage. The men must suppress signs of pain and the one who takes the beating without showing signs of pain can take the wife. How were Josiah's reforms carried out during the time of the prophet Jeremiah? Customary law primarily regulates marriage, divorce, and land rights (Hinz 2008, 154; Ruppel and Ambunda 26 May 2011, 76). Her daily duties include giving valuable legal advice and assistance Read more about Chantel Cronje. This is a legacy that will never be abandoned even by the young generations because is just too delightful and remarkable! ContractLaw Each covenant has a senior partner and God appointed the man. The wedding is an exceptionally respected tradition within Africa due to their deeply rooted appreciation for the notion of family. Sexual restrictions among minors help protect children from pedophiles. Then the next event is the Hennaya, where the bride and friends receive symbolic motifs as a lucky charm. April 2019, All Clement Sadjere| Christian Religious Education Questions and Answers, Primary and High School Exams in Kenya With Marking Schemes. Some go further to find out whether the intended couples parents are married and still living together; not ruling our class distinction. Even if daughters remained at home and produced children, they were not perceived as continuing the lineage of their maternal grandfather because kinship in the Akamba community was patrilineal and the children of daughters would not belong to the same clan as their grandfather. Covid-19/Coronavirus Unity Of Believers This practice is very common among the animist and the Muslim communities. July 2019 Covenant Some tribes in Nigeria for example do not collect cash as dowry, but insist on cowries or heads of cow as the bride price. There are many reasons adduced for the payment of dowry in the contemporary African society. Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons. May 2020 Wife There's a negotiation celebration. Christian Approaches To Law Rather, those who die enter the spirit world in which they are invisible. Although, I myself practice monogamy, as it is tradition in my culture and that of what is expected by me, my community, and my family., There are not original or principle ceremony since it all differs depending on the what clans and from community to community. At the beginning of the wedding, the bride walks around, selling boiled eggs to her guests to prove that shes able to make money. Such a girl was married to the name of the dead unmarried man and bore him children, usually by his brother (cf. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY In traditional thinking, ancestors are an essential link in a hierarchical chain of powers stretching from this world to the spirit world. It is the money usually given to the bride's family by the man who intends to marry the lady. The groom under the traditional rights and customs has the right to contract more than one marriages with more than one woman, he therefore can have multiple wives and divorce will definitely follow a prescribed tradition laid down in such cases. Lindblom, G., (1969.) Prophet Isaiah Near kin to each other, Offered opportunity to establish whether the two people came from marriageable clans/ families, Cemented/ strengthened the relationship between the two families through exchange of gifts mutual visits sharing of food and drink, Gave the two families time to negotiate for dowry. The setting of the ceremony in Cana is similar to African traditional marriage rites. The payment of this important item during traditional marriage ceremonies is a serious test of the man's financial capability and strength. Early Church Even if they object, by virtue of beings parents, they must be duly and respectfully informed. Old Testament Prophesies About The Messiah Mention FIVE Christian alternatives to marriage. The traditional wedding is an exceptionally respected tradition within Africa, and this is due to our deeply rooted appreciation for the notion of family. This is neither biblical nor African custom but an aftermath of religion, colonization and perhaps misapplication of the scripture. These economies are small. EAC It also cautions against tokenism where one worships a dead person. The mens only tasks were to raid cattle and guard the community. April 2021 The Importance of Traditional Marriage to Society Marriage is the basic building block of society where families learn to work together as a team. *You can also browse our support articles here >. KCSE 2013 1271 Words. But there is one difference between her and normal widows Mulewa never met her husband. What were the results of the reforms carried out by Josiah during the time of prophet Jeremiah? Islamic laws and customs have shaped the institution of marriage in North Africa and in some nations of western and eastern Africa. Answers - Many children were considered as wealth. The good news is theres always the benefit for RSVP Rice and Stew Very plenty and social interaction. Marriage contracts are now essential, especially for those carried out under the law because it allows the partners involved to understand their responsibilities in the union. While the bride attends the Henna party the night before the wedding, the men do the Kirumbizi. The ceremony involves the payment of a bride price by the groom to the mother of the bride.Uncles from mother's side and their family members are not allowed to attend the Ayie ceremony. Download theAsianparent Community on iOS or Android now! . Among the Igbo marriage serves many different purposes other than unity between individuals and social status. These restrictions, however, vary from one religion or culture to another. Labour Law 1 One of the most essential items normally required in most traditional marriages in Africa, is the Dowry. The Infancy And Early Life Of Jesus When the accrual system does not apply, it must specifically be excluded in the antenuptial contract. A man who engages in dubious marital relationships is a mutuanya, a vagabond despised by everyone in the community. Your guess is as good as mine. POLITICAL LEADERS Shipping & Aviation Law Middleton, p. 90). I also knew that all cultures had similar rules of engagement when it came to marriage practices. Yet, besides a total lack of discussion in the popular media, what is typically called woman-woman marriage is the subject of a very small body of academic literature. advantages of traditional marriage in africa. Gave the two families time to arrangements, Gave time to the girl and boy to be instructed in family life education/ prepare them for a marriage relationship, Boy and girl were instructed on their duties responsibilities/ privileges in the community, Gave time to establish whether the boy and girl werent for marriage e.g. CHURCH LEADERS I always knew that marriage was between a man and a woman. Sign up for our newsletter, 6 Things You Didn't Know About Marriage In Islam. Running Your Practice 2002 Most couples these days appear in wedding gowns and suits rather than put on our rich traditional costumes. Plagues Why is it important for a worker to be allowed to have a rest? After the traditional marriage some clergy would require a Probate [court] Registry certificate before they could conduct Church weddings. READ ALSO: Online marital status check South Africa 2022 (with infographics) They almost always involve the transfer of bridewealthcash, goods, or servicesfrom the groom or his family to the bride's family. Woman-to-woman marriage can also be beneficial to persons other than the female husband. I was sadly mistaken with what I thought of this world when the topic of marriage was expressed., MARRIAGE IN TRADITIONAL AFRICAN SOCIETY AND ITS RELEVANCE. Certain research studies have also found that people tend to drop bad habits when they get espoused, indicating that marriage has a positive influence on a person's lifestyle. After an agreement from witnesses and the Adoul (Notary), the couple exchange gifts such as jewelry and shoes. The Igbos people are located in the southeastern part of Nigeria. He is a contributor for the International Social Magazine, African Pride Magazine, International Punch and African News Digest. Answers (1). And since men dont give birth or menstruate, they were deemed incapable of communicating with Mulungu. In each of these situations, African women are able to manipulate the existing system through woman-to-woman marriage in order to achieve higher social and economic status. The gospel of John in its second chapter records a marriage ceremony in the town of Cana in Galilee. Yes, she has children five in fact who were fathered by different men and who bear her dead husbands name. Stanely Kimanga. The essence indeed is to bring two families together the living and ancestors as well, the negotiations were more like a bonding session of both families to know each other. However, if a couple doesn't register it, their union remains legally binding and acceptable.A certificate of customary marriage will be issued on payment of a fee. African Moral And Cultural Values Cross-culturally, women take wives under three circumstances, all of which increase the status of the female husband: 1) barren women and widows take wives to obtain rights over children produced; 2) rich women accumulate wives to gain prestige and wealth in the same way men do through polygyny; and 3) in some societies where women have the right to have a daughter-in-law, women without sons can exercise their right to a daughter-in-law by marrying a woman and giving her to a non-existent son. After this is over, the brides father hands the bride a wooden cup filled with palm wine. The partners themselves do not settle the marriage and it can be undone at their own will. Kenyan culture is very diverse and full of tradition based on social norms that have been around for generations. In order to understand the importance of ancestors one must realize that in the African view, death is not thought to end human relationships. Form 1 ( 1st John 3:16). 2019 GOLEGAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | WEBSITE POWERED BY, Click here to send a legal query to Chantel Cronje, Beneficiary blues - Making your funeral policy work for you, Traditionally ever after - Customary Marriage and divorce, Oops! November 2021 Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. State any FIVE moral obligations of the state to her citizens. April 2022 A husband may receive social status, sexual enhancement, increased labor, and the knowledge that his blood-line will continue, while giving up some sort of economic compensation to the family of the wife. Give five advantages of polygamous marriages in Traditional African Society. Anyone can have a wedding but only God can create a marriage. This rule was for the man whom God through this event satisfied his loneliness. Christian Approaches To Leisure 3 subjected to stabilize amidst sporadic societal changes emanating from modernization and globalization. Alarmingly, the dissolution of a marriage more than doubled the probability that a person will do the opposite, especially among blacks. 2014 Its simple make sure that your assets are protected says Cronje. If the wife only bears one child and the husband asks for a divorce, he will choose between his cows or custody of the child. Your email address will not be published. Marriage is sacred in Africa and beyond; because it solidifies relationships that enrich communities and nations by bringing forth new life and new hope. Property Law State five factors that lead people to sin today. Marriage Boosts Your Psychological Health Married men and women are less likely to develop addiction and substance dependence. Traditional marriage is a community affair. Nature Of Man Beyond having someone to call hubby, there are other benefits enjoyed by partners who are bound by a legally recognised marriage. For example, marriages that involve polygamy, incest, and bestiality. That means they are less destructive to the environment without sacrificing the needs of members. Jesus Christ A failure to pay maintenance can haunt you for up to 30 years, Shacking up? | Corith Every country has their own way of marrying two people that want to spend the rest of their life together. Thank goodness Government has approved some Churches as marriage centers. And Federal/State responsibility for the International social Magazine, International Punch and African news Digest answer: attitudes... Before they could conduct Church weddings we are must be duly and respectfully informed the... Give birth or menstruate, they were not doing that, they were allowed to spend the of. Be beneficial to persons other than the female husband wedding gowns and suits Rather than put on our traditional... That marriage involves the following persons: 1 ) the female husband also knew that marriage involves union... 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advantages of traditional marriage in africa